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"Hello?!" Haerin yelled out.

"Hello?!" She whispered in defeat.

As a 5 year old being lost was a scary thing. You constantly needed someone to guide you to where you were going....

But Haerin didn't have that pleasure.

Not after she ended up getting lost at the beach on a warm summer evening.

"Hello?!" Haerin tried to yell again, but her voice had given out.

Haerin had been lost for the last 5 hours. She was starting to feel as if her family left her behind on purpose. She was starting to accept that maybe this wasn't what her parents wanted.

"Hello?" Haerin whispered, curling up next to the ocean waves.

"Hi!" A random voice suddenly reached her.

Haerin looked up to find a kid around her age staring down at her.

"The ocean is so much funner when the sun goes down, huh? There's no one at the beach and there's so much more room to play in!" The kid excitedly exclaimed.

- Y/N POV -

It had been 12 years since I found Haerin seating by the side of the ocean, but Haerin still had the same lost eyes as back then.

"How's college going?" Grandma asked.

"It's okay," I lowly replied.

I was too distracted by Haerin's silence to be in the mood to talk about silly things.

Ever since I had started college, I had been worried about Haerin. I wanted to know that she was doing well in school, that she was eating well, that she wasn't feeling like she lacked anything.

But, of course, how can you feel like you're not lacking when your parents happened to just forget you on the beach one day.

"Do you want some of this?" I asked Haerin, watching her play with her food.

I had brought her an assortment of fruits and veggies. It was a bit expensive, but I didn't mind doing so to see Haerin's smile.

"Mhm," she hummed out.

I got up to wash the cucumber I had presented her and peeled it a little, before walking up to hover it over her mouth.

"Aahhh~" I signaled.

Haerin smiled a little and slowly opened her mouth.

My heart sighed of relief when I finally saw that smile I loved so much creep up to her face.

"Ahhhh~" Haerin cutely hummed as I placed the cucumber in her mouth.

- Haerin POV -

Y/n had only started college a few months prior, but with them out of the house.....

I felt just as lost as I did as a kid.

"Are you okay?" Y/n asked, as I got ready for bed.

"Mhm," I nodded in response.

Y/n sighed, in the way they did when they don't believe me, and asked... "Do you want to sleep with me tonight?"

My heart fluttered a little bit and I nodded in response.

Soon enough, Y/n and I were cuddled up in their bed. We were watching movies and just catching up on life.

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