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It had been less than a day and Haerin had already become best friends with her new buddy.

"Are you gonna eat?" Y/n asked Haerin for the 3rd time.

Haerin was too distracted with her homework and her new buddy to reply.

- Haerin POV -

I had been trying to do my homework for the last hour, but my little kitty kept distracting me.

Kitty was all over my desk and every time I tried to grab my pen... she'd smack it out of my hands...

It's almost like she knew I didn't want to do my homework.

"Pancakes for you, and a little chicken for the new addition to the family," Y/n suddenly started to place food on my desk

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"Pancakes for you, and a little chicken for the new addition to the family," Y/n suddenly started to place food on my desk.

I looked at Y/n a little confused.

Y/n didn't like it when I ate at my desk. My desk was for studying only, not eating.

"You don't like it when I eat on my desk," I mumbled a little.

I felt really shy all morning because I didn't know how to thank Y/n for the special gift they had gotten me.

"Well, I've been trying to get your attention for the last 10 minutes. So, I figured, maybe if I brought the food to your desk then you'd finally pay attention to me," Y/n exhaled out a bit upset.

I hadn't realized I was so distracted.

"Oh, sorry," was all I could manage to respond.

- Y/N POV -

I took a deep breath as I watched Haerin start to shut me out again.

I was really happy that she liked her cat, but I was starting to wonder if maybe she'd become fixated on the little kitten or get too attached to it.

I watched as Haerin petted her little kitten instead of getting up to wash her hands to eat. So, I just grabbed her food and took it back to the kitchen.

I waited for a minute to see if maybe the kitten would eat her food, but it was clear that the kitty was just like its owner.

I sighed again when I saw neither of the two cats eat and just gave up.

For the rest of the day, Haerin and her new buddy cuddled, played, watched TV, and even walked around my apartment complex together.

It was honestly really cute, but I felt a little left out.

"Do you know who your family is?" I suddenly heard Haerin mumble to her cat, as I walked over to my room.


The kitty just meowed at her.

"Yeah, me either," Haerin cutely petted her cat.

I took a deep breath and tried not to let the sight break my heart.

"But at least we have each other now!" Haerin giggled out.

I realized then that Haerin had no one to relate to. She was on her own with her own story that no one could understand.

"I guess that's why she talked to Seulgi so easily," I thought to myself.

I knew Sunbaenim had lost her sister when she was younger, but I didn't know the extent of it.

"Do you want to go out for a snack?" I tried to ask.

"I'm okay," Haerin softly answered.

I started to feel left out again, so I just went to my room to relax.

- Haerin POV -

The day was coming to an end and I realized that I hadn't seen Y/n for a couple of hours. I walked over to knock on their bedroom door but got no response.

"Maybe Y/n is asleep," I told my little buddy.


Kitty just meowed at me.

"Should we walk in and check?" I cooed.


"Okay!" I giggled.

I didn't really know what made me so happy about my new kitty, but I really enjoyed her company.

I slowly opened Y/n's bedroom door and our suspicions were correct. Y/n was already asleep.


Kitty jumped out of my arms and made her way onto Y/n's bed. It seemed like kitty liked Y/n just as much as I did.

I quickly made my way to crawl onto the bed too.

"Hae- Kitty?" Y/n suddenly mumbled.

"Mhm," I whispered back.

Y/n suddenly snuggled closer to spoon me, as kitty made herself comfortable in my arms.

"This feels nice," I thought to myself.









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