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Y/n didn't end up being charged with anything, but Haerin was taken away from them.

Minji stood by Haerin's side upon Y/n's request, but Haerin refused to acknowledge her. She would just silently cry in a random corner of the facility she had been taken to.

"You didn't have to do that. It was just a simple mistake," Minji huffed out.

"Y/n was scaring her. I had to make the call," Hanni sighed out.

The second Hanni saw Haerin screaming and crying because Y/n was being arrested.....

She knew she had messed up.

- Hanni POV -

"Your birthday is coming up. Do you want me to get you something?" I asked Haerin.

Haerin just stayed quiet and ignored me like she had been for the last few months. She hated me now. She really did.

The only time I ever got her to talk to me was when I told her that Y/n wasn't in any trouble and she asked... "So, can I go home then?"

I couldn't answer her question that day.

Haerin had to stay at the facility until she was 18.

"I heard Minji brought over all the university hoodies you had," I kept trying to make conversation.

Haerin turned her face so I wouldn't see her cry and got up to head back to her bed.

This was a typical visit for us.

I would try to get Haerin to talk to me, but she'd just ignore me and leave.

- Danielle POV -

Things with Haerin had gotten odd.

She wouldn't talk to me as much and only ever wanted to see me for cuddles and make out sessions.

"Are you going to look for Y/n once you turn 18?" I asked, as we walked home from school.

"No," Haerin coldly answered.

I didn't really know why Haerin was mad at Y/n. It's not like Y/n had hit anybody or put Haerin in danger. It was just arguing.

"Y/n is probably looking for you too. It'd be nice if you two at least had a phone call on your 18th birthday," I tried to suggest.

Haerin suddenly stopped walking, we had reached the facility she was staying at, and coldly turned to tell me.... "If Y/n was really looking for me, then they would have found me by now".

Before I knew it, Haerin had stormed off into the facility.

- Minji POV -

After finding out that they weren't allowed to see Haerin ever again, Y/n went MIA. They changed their phone number, moved out of their grandma's house, and just disappeared.

Every couple of weeks though, I'd get a post card with small requests.

Y/n wanted the house to be placed under Haerin's name once she turned 18. They wanted everything that Haerin ever owned to be preserved at the house just the way it was left behind. And lastly, Y/n wanted me to tell them when Haerin's graduation would be.

- Haerin POV -

My 18th birthday and graduation were just around the corner. Everyone was so excited about it except for me.

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