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It appeared that everyone in Haerin and Y/n's life had unexpectedly met each other.

It was causing some jealousy among some and curiosity amongst others.

While, Minji was curious about what these other people in Haerin and Y/n's life were. Danielle and Hanni were getting jealous at how close Minji seemed to Haerin.

"Hi, I'm Minji. Pleasure to officially meet you!" Minji greeted Danielle.

"Likewise," Dani answered a bit awkwardly.

Minji had heard a lot about Danielle, but Danielle had hardly known much about who Minji really was.

"I'm Hanni Pham," Ms. Pham formally introduced herself.

"Oh, you're the social worker! It's a pleasure to meet you. Y/n says a lot of good things about you!" Minji excitedly shook Hanni's hand.

After a bit of time getting to know each other, Minji and Hanni took their leave and left the two friends alone.

- Danielle POV -

It was Christmas Eve and I was rushing over my family's gathering to go and get Haerin.

Y/n would be working a half day today, so I was worried that Haerin would feel saddened for being left all alone on a Christmas.

Plus, Minji had said she was going out of town and Ms. Pham was just a social worker so I doubt Haerin had anyone to spend Christmas with until Y/n got out of work.

"Hyein, come on!" I kept rushing Hyein to put on her shoes.

Hyein was probably the only other person that Haerin really liked to hangout with at school. So, I wanted to bring her along to make the holidays a bit more special for her.

"Okay, ready!!" Hyein exclaimed with her present for Haerin in hand.

"Oh, my present!" I realized.

I quickly ran up to my room and grabbed Haerin's gift before rushing past all the guests at the house and running out the door.

"Wooohooo, Kang Haerin unnie here we come!!" Hyein yelled throughout the streets.

It was really adorable.

Finally, after a bit of running through the snowy streets, we arrived at Haerin's house.

Hyein and I excitedly knocked on Haerin's front door.....

And my jaw dropped when I was greeted by Social Worker Pham.

- Y/N POV -

I was rushing back home to spend Christmas Eve with Haerin.

I knew that Dani would probably invite her over to her Christmas party, but I didn't want Haerin to think that I wouldn't be there for her.

Of course, things were a little confusing in our lives but that wasn't going to change the holidays for us.

I quickly parked in the nearest parking spot I could find and ran home.

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