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"I think you're right," Haerin sighed out.

Danielle had apologized for the suddenness of the break up. She explained her reasoning behind it, stating back to her insecurities before their relationship even started, but it was agreed that they were better off as friend.

Danielle really took Minji's advice to heart.

She wanted to at least be in Haerin's life.

On the other hand, Haerin was ready to take Danielle back because she was all she knew in this part of her life.

Haerin understood that she had grown up a lot during the last year. She wasn't the crying kid she used to be...

At least not all the time.

"But I wish you luck if you managed to get Y/n in the end," Danielle awkwardly tried to cheer Haerin up.

Haerin was feeling a little hurt that her effort weren't enough to make Danielle feel loved. Danielle was the only person Haerin prioritized for majority of their relationships, but Y/n suddenly came out of hiding and everything changed.

"Thanks," Haerin chuckled in a bit of contempt.

Haerin had gotten what she had been craving when it came to Y/n, but that didn't mean that it didn't hurt her to not be with Dani anymore.

- Y/N POV -

It looked like Haerin and Danielle were having a really serious conversation.

Nothing between me and Haerin had been solidified, so I knew there was a possibly that they would just get back together.

It was awkward between me and Haerin anyway, so I was okay with whatever she decided. After all, Danielle had been there for her the entire time I completely turned my back on her.

"Do you think we'll actually find some?!" Hyein-ei was excited that I practically kidnapped her to go in search of my favorite end of the year tradition.

"I'm sure we will. We just have to look in the right places!" I chuckled out in amusement.

It actually didn't take us too long to find what we were looking for.

"Unnie!!" Hyein suddenly exclaimed.

I was so confused, until I saw why she had reacted like that.

It seemed like we had finally found out where Hanni and Minji had ran off to.

"Oh, we thought you had forgotten!" Minji suddenly noticed us.

"How can I? It's kind of my thing!" I answered with a bit of sass.

Just because we were in a different country didn't mean that I wasn't going to stick to my tradition.

"Well, we kind of came out here just in case you forgot," Hanni joined the conversation.

I found it really cute that Minji and Hanni had gone out to get sparklers for me. The holidays just didn't mean as much to me without them.

"Thank you. You girls are sweet," I pulled them into a hug.

"Uh, can we get this too?!" Hyein suddenly got really excited.

We ended up getting a lot more than sparklers and I left the store a bit excited. I couldn't wait to do fireworks without having to trick Haerin into it.

Not like that it would work much anymore.

The girls and I ended going back to the villa, and as soon as we walked in through the gates, Haerin ran into my arms.

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