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Haerin was shy and uncomfortable with Seulgi at first, maybe even a little irrationally mad at her, but after the first hour went by... she started feeling more comfortable...

There was something oddly comforting about meeting someone who had been in a similar position as her.

Haerin also liked the way Seulgi would ask her questions and listened to her as if she wasn't too fazed by anything she said.

"What else did she tell you?" Y/n asked once they realized that Haerin and Seulgi had bonded on a deeper level.

Y/n was only in class for about two hours, but the way Haerin had practically told her whole life story to Seulgi, made it feel like they were gone for an eternity.

"She told me her therapist recommended she'd get a cat," Seulgi shared with me.

"A cat?" Y/n looked a bit confused.

"But she said she doesn't want one because she doesn't see the point in it," Seulgi explained.

"I mean, if she doesn't see the point then I guess it doesn't matter. Right?" Y/n was shocked that Haerin had shared such personal things with her.

Things they didn't even know about.

"You know emotional support animals are a thing, right? If her doctor recommended it, then maybe it could help her with her attachment issues. It would probably reduce her stress too. Help prevent all those biological complications that come with stress," Seulgi looked at Y/n a bit offended that they would disregard a doctor's recommendation. Specially because they were both working towards becoming doctors.

In reality, It wasn't so much that Y/n was disregarding a doctor's recommendation, it was just that they didn't like to make Haerin uncomfortable. If she said she didn't want something then she wouldn't push it.

"Plus, she could have a little friend," Seulgi tried to convince Y/n to think twice.

- Y/N POV -

As much as I hated adding unnecessary things things in my life, I couldn't pass up on Seulgi's wise words.

"Maybe Haerin is a little lonely," I kept thinking to myself as I drove me and Haerin back home.

I ended up having to wait for weekend to come for me to look for a little buddy for Haerin, but the wait seemed worth it.

"Take a look around and let me know which one looks the cutest to you," The adoption center lady told me.

I nodded in response and made my way around the center.

All the animals looked cute and, honestly, a bit lonely. They came with cute 'self written' biographies that ended with their paws or claws as signatures.

I was having a hard time making a decision on which buddy to choose, until one caught my eye.

"Oh, you look just like her!" I cooed at the little baby in front of me.

For once in my life, I understood why my grandma called Haerin "Kitten" sometimes.

"That one is very clingy. I think it has attachment issues or something. I gave it food early and it scratches me when I tried to leave it," A random stranger suddenly told me.

I wasn't a fan of their words and grabbed a treat in my hands, coldly responding... "It's just feeling a little reject."

The buddy stared at the treatment in my hands for a little before shyly walking over to take it from me.

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