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"Your scholarship will be revoked if you choose not to enroll for the next semester. If you choose to come back, you will need to pay out of pocket," The university admission's lady told Y/n.

After calming Haerin down for a bit, Y/n had to drive all the way back to school to let them know what was going on.

Y/n chose to fail the semester and not come back for the next.

"Okay," was all Y/n could think to answer.

"You know, you could just ask your professors for an extension. A family death is a reasonable excuse to be given some extra time to finish the semester. You wouldn't need to take a semester off," The admission's lady tried to reason with the young student.

Y/n took a deep breath and shook their head, before saying.... "Yeah, that's not the only reason I need to take so time off."

The lady took a heavy breath and gave the young student in front of  her a forced smile.

She  didn't understand, and Y/n didn't need to her to understand. The situation was a bit more complicated than a family death.

"If you could just ask the foundation to transfer the scholarship to someone else or make it greater for next year's beneficiary due to my unexpected pull out, that would be great," Y/n sighed before marching out of the admissions office.

- Haerin POV -

I had never been to Y/n's school before. It was big and it had a lot people walking around everywhere.

I felt a little ashamed that Y/n had to bring me to school with them because I kept crying that I didn't want to be home alone.

I always wished I wasn't like that.

I specially wished I wasn't like that towards Y/n.

I could be apart from certain people to an extent, but when it came to Y/n..... I could never let them go.

"Okay!" Y/n exhaled, as they got in the car.

I could tell they were stressed.

I knew we had just rushed over to the school for a reason, but I just didn't know what it was. We didn't even spend much time at the school before we had to make the 4 hour drive back home.

"Are you okay?" I tried to ask.

"Mhm," I hummed in response.

I could feel Y/n's stress. I could feel the questions Granny taught me not to ask boiling up inside me, I could tell that it was best if I stayed quiet.

"Are you hungry?" Y/n followed after a few minutes of dead silence.

"No, I'm okay," I hesitated to answer.

In reality, I was hungry... but I knew Y/n had no money... or that at least money was tight for them....

Specially now that Granny was gone.

"Are you sure? It's a long ride, I don't mind," Y/n asked with a forced smile in my direction.

- Y/N POV -

I could see that look in hear face. That look on Haerin's face when she was too afraid to say something...

She was hungry.

She was just trying to be polite.

"Let's get some food! I'm hungry too," I tried to encourage her to just be comfortable with me.

Haerin wasn't scared to ask grandma for food, because grandma was always trying to make up for those few hours she was hungry on the beach side.

Grandma was always trying to keep Haerin warm for that time she had to spend in a wet swimsuit in the cold evening breeze.

Grandma always made sure that Haerin never lacked anything....

While, I was just emotional support.

Still, Haerin was always scared to tell me of her basic necessities. That's what Granny was for. Granny was the one to go lean on for the things I couldn't do.

"Hi, what would you like?" The drive-thru worker asked.

"What would you like?" I turned to ask Haerin.

She just smiled and shook her head.

"It's okay, I know you're hungry. What would you like?" I tried to get an answer out of her.

Haerin just kept shaking her head.

"I'd like some chicken nuggets and a chocolate milk! Also, a mcChiken and an apple pie!" I told the driver-thru worker.

"Okay, pull up to the window!" The worker requested.

I pulled up to the window and took out my wallet.

I could feel Haerin's tension to the side of me, but I didn't want her to know that I barely had enough for food as it was.

I paid with the last bit of money I had and got a few coins back. Warm food soon reached my hands and I proudly handed it over to Haerin.

We might have been put in this awful position, but I wasn't going to let her starve. I wasn't going to allow for her to feel the stress of it all.

"Eat up!" I exclaimed once I noticed Haerin wasn't even touching the food.

"It's okay, the food was for you!" Haerin said with a coarse tone.

I chuckled a bit and petted her head a bit. "You're silly. The nuggets are for you! You know I don't like them," I forced a smile.... trying not to tear up....

"What are you going to eat?!" Haerin quickly asked.

I smiled at her and stuck my hand in the takeout bag to grab my food....

"This!" I answered.







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