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The distance between Haerin and Y/n remained the same as it had been for the last few weeks.

Y/n would sit and stare at their phone for hours, waiting for Haerin to text or call, but they never received anything.

Meanwhile, Haerin was doing her best to enjoy her relationship with Danielle. Even though Danielle said she was okay with everything, Haerin knew it wasn't true.

Specially after Danielle started acting less jealous as time went by.

- Haerin POV -

"Are you excited to see granny?" Danielle and I were walking hand in hand to visit grandma's grave.

"I feel sad really, but in a good way," I exhaled out.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to see her little Kitty Kang all grown up!" Dani cooed at me.

"Yeah," I lowly responded.

I had been a little depressed over the last month. It had exactly been one year since grandma died and I was doing my very best to cope.

Luckily, I had the best girlfriend in the world. So I didn't have to bear all the grief on my own.

As we got closer and closer to Granny's grave, I could feel all my feelings trying to escape. I felt like I couldn't do it. I couldn't visit grandma's grave. Specially not without Y/n.

"Y/n, come on!" I suddenly heard Minji unnie's voice nearby.

I looked up from the snow and found Minji unnie, with Hanni unnie, trying to talk to a still person dressed in all black.

"Oh, I guess Y/n is here too!" Dani exclaimed.

My heart sank to my stomach when I realized it really was Y/n. I could hardly recognize them because they looked different. Very different.

Y/n was dressed in all black from head to toe with a long black overcoat. They looked like they hadn't been eating at all, they had lost a lot of weight, and their face looked all red from frostbite.

"Oh, thank god you're here!" Hanni unnie suddenly noticed us.

"Huh?" I asked a little confused.

"Y/n's been like this for the last five hours," Minji explained.

Y/n was standing still, staring at grandma's grave, almost trance like.

"Y/n, look who's here. It's Haerin!" Danielle tried to get Y/n's attention.

"It's no use, we've tried everything for the last few hours. We can't even get a look in our direction, let alone get Y/n to move," Minji unnie sighed out.

From the looks of their noses and the snow buildup around Y/n's feet, it was clear that they had all been in the snow for quite a while.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Dani tried to ask.

Y/n just kept staring at grandma's grave.

I looked around the graveyard and saw everyone paying their respect to lost loved ones. Some were crying, some were talking to the grave in front of them, and a few were changing dead flowers for new ones.

I had brought grandma a new bouquet of flowers myself. Even though Dani advised me against it because of the snow.

I looked over at grandma's grave and noticed Y/n had already replaced the old flowers for some fresh ones.


I kneeled down to place my flowers next to Y/n's.

"Don't cover her name," Y/n suddenly spoke up.

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