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Y/n ended up getting some much deserved rest. It seemed like just by being in near proximity of Haerin was enough to ease their mind a little bit.

Meanwhile, Haerin and the girls were trying to figure out how to pull Y/n out of the state they were in.

"All I could think of is a New Year's trip. Maybe getting away from the cold weather and putting them in a different setting will do something for us, then Y/n could maybe get distracted enough from their grief," Minji suggested to the group.

The girls thought about it for a second, but they looked to Haerin for assistance.

"Babe?" Danielle asked her.

Haerin shook her head in disapproval and answered, "No. As nice as that would be, I don't think Y/n and I could just go away from granny like that."

Hanni took a deep breath, not wanting to go against Haerin, and exhaled out... "I think Minji knows best when it comes to Y/n. She hasn't been wrong about Y/n's feelings and actions the whole time I've known her. I think it would be nice to get Y/n out into a different environment. Hopefully, it could help the both of you heal."

- Danielle POV -

Haerin didn't like what Hanni had said. She didn't just not like it, she was jealous that Minji was the one who knew Y/n best.

"No, offense but I've known Y/n my whole-"

Haerin was about to speak, when I decided to interject.

Just like Minji knew what was best for Y/n, I knew what was best for Haerin.

"I think it would be great! It'll be hard for all of us to be sad when we're watching fireworks in a snow free country!" I tried to be optimistic.

Haerin suddenly turned to look my way, before walking off to her room.

"She doesn't seem to think so," Hanni took a deep breath.

"I know," I sighed out.

"But just like Minji, I know what's best for Haerin, and I think a trip could really help them get distracted. I don't know about Y/n, but I know that Haerin has been struggling for a few months now. I don't know what else to do, but this sounds like a good last resort," I tried to explain my stance.

I didn't like going against Haerin, but at times... she looked too confused in life to know what was best for her...

"Yeah, but if they don't want to go, we can't force them," Minji groaned in annoyance.

"I'll go," we suddenly heard someone say to the side of us.

It was Y/n.

"If Dani thinks that a trip will help Haerin out a bit, then I'll go. I don't mind putting my feelings aside so she feels better. If Dani said it's what's best for the both of us, then we'll do it. Whatever helps Haerin... helps me," Y/n weakly said.

My heart hurt a bit because of their words.

Y/n's whole life was dedicated to Haerin. Even after Haerin tried to distance herself for us, Y/n still held their protector instinct towards Haerin.

Y/n would protect Haerin's physical and emotional being at all cost. Even if it cost them their sanity.

I think that's what made me jealous.

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