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Y/n's actions were concerning to say the least. Aside from causing a lot of eyebrows to raise, Y/n's actions were making a few people feel a bit jealous.

Specially, Minji and Haerin.

- Haerin POV -

It sucked to watch Y/n cry in Hanni unnie's arms.

It wasn't just because I was the root of the cause, but because Y/n never looked for my comfort in that way.

I was always the one to run into Y/n's arms. I was the one to cry in Y/n's arms. I was the one to tell Y/n that I couldn't do things without them.

It sucked to see that I wasn't someone Y/n could trust to comfort them.

"Y/n-ei, I need you to calm down a bit. Okay?" Hanni unnie tried to get Y/n to relax.

"I don't want to!" Y/n started to whine again.

"I know, but please just relax a little. I can't have you causing distress right now. Can you please just help me out?" Unnie cupped Y/n's face in her hands.

"Whatever," I heard Minji unnie sighed out to the side of me, before walking out of the room.

She looked a little upset.

"I- I- I don't want to. I'm tired!!" Y/n cried out.

"I know. I know, but if you're going to cause a scene... I'm going to have to report it to the agency...," Hanni unnie whispered to Y/n.

"You can't do that!" Y/n suddenly yelled.

"Y/n, calm down!" Minji unnie suddenly walked back into the room with more water.

"No, she can't just take Haerin away from me like that!!" Y/n started to get angry.

"I thought you were different!!" Y/n began to yell in Hanni unnie's face.

I started to panic. All of a sudden, I had no idea what was going on.

"I am different!" Hanni unnie raised her voice at Y/n.

"Y/n, get it through your head that Hanni is a mandated reporter at the end of the day. If she fails to report your degenerate behavior, she could lose her license," Minji unnie coldly placed a cup of water in front of Y/n's face.

"Right," Y/n sighed out.

"Then forget it. There's no point in having you in my life if I can't even drink a little and show my true emotions," Y/n started to chuck the water Minji had given them.

"Please get out of my house," Y/n death glared Hanni unnie.

"Y/n," I tried to step in.

"You shut up," Y/n coldly told me.

"Okay, that was uncalled for!" Hanni unnie suddenly pulled me behind her.

"What?! I can't tell the kid to shut up? It's adult business, tf does she have any right in the conversation," Y/n got up in Hanni's face.

"Watch it. If you don't calm down-"

"If Y/n doesn't calm down then what?!" Minji unnie suddenly got up in Hanni unnie's face too.

"You're gonna show your true colors?!" Unnie kept yelling at Hanni.

"This isn't about you!" Hanni unnie yelled back.

"It is so about her. She's the only person I can trust right now! You take Haerin away from me and I will hate you for the rest of my life!!" Y/n screamed at the top of their lungs.

The whole situation was making me very anxious and without even thinking.... I tugged on Hanni unnie's jacket and whispered.... "I'm scared".

Before I knew it...,

There was cop cars at our house and Y/n was getting arrested for domestic disturbance.







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