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"You guys slept together?!" Minji awkwardly asked Y/n.

"I mean, I'm all for you both getting back together again, but isn't that a little weird? I mean, you two aren't really kids anymore?" She followed up.

"She's right you know. There comes a point where you two have to start setting some boundaries," Hanni agreed.

Now that Y/n wasn't hiding from Haerin anymore, they managed to gather up the courage to get back in touch with Minji and Hanni.

Which just ended up with a lot of scolding.

- Y/N POV -

"I don't see what the problem is. Haerin and I have always cuddled up together and we've fallen asleep on the same bed hundreds of times. It's never been weird before," I couldn't understand why the girls were making such a big deal about Haerin sleeping over.

"Well for one, if I was Danielle, I wouldn't want to hear that my girlfriend is out there cuddling with someone else," Hanni sassed me.

"I wouldn't either," Minji agreed with her.

I took a deep breath, realizing they were probably right.

Besides, it wasn't just innocent cuddling on my end anymore. I didn't want to let Haerin go. I liked the way she nuzzled her head into my neck and wrapped her arms around my torso.

It felt different than when we were younger.

"Alright fine. You're both right," I sighed out.

I grabbed a cup of water then headed back to the couch. "You know, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you two were jealous," I decided to tease them.

"Oh, shut up!" Minji replied.

But at the same time, Hanni responded... "So, what if I am?"

Minji and I both turned to look in her direction, and Hanni just awkwardly chuckled.

"Anywayyy," Minji started to change the subject.

"Aside from stalking all of us while you were MIA, what else did you do? Did you finally get a girlfriend?" She began to tease.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know!" I smugly responded.

"Yeah, that's why she's asking," Hanni sassed me.

"Well, I got back in school and drank a lot of tea. Other than that, no girlfriend or boyfriend or even close to that. Basically the only interaction I had with another human was those postcards I would drop off," I exhaled out.

"Oh, you went back to school?" Minji looked at me a bit confused.

It was probably because I had decided to take online classes rather than return to the dorms. Which meant Minji hadn't seen me around the campus.

"Yeah, grandma left it in her will that she wanted me to finish school. So, I enrolled in online classes for the semester," I explained.

"Ahh, that makes more sense!" Minji exclaimed.

I ended up spending the rest of the day with the girls. We just caught up on life and talked a bit about how the girls had felt abandoned too.

I didn't blame them for anything that happened.

I was drunk and reckless that night.

From an outsider's perspective, I'm sure it looked like I was unfit to take care of Haerin. I'm sure my behavior would have been perceived as domestic abuse to anyone who had no context of the situation.

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