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Haerin went to bed upset at Y/n.

In reality, Haerin didn't know why she was upset. She didn't really know how she felt most of the time. She didn't even know how she was supposed to feel.

It was always just a bit of a taxing internal debate when Haerin wanted to feel one thing, but her brain told her otherwise.

- Y/N POV -

"NOOOOO!!!! STOOOPPP!!!" I could hear screaming in my dreams.

"MOM!! SISTER!!" I kept on hearing screaming.

My eyes started to flutter open and my body immediately went into panic mode when I heard the screams..... "HEEELLPP!! Y/NN!!"

I quickly got out of bed and ran out of my room. I tripped over the door frame, but quickly got up to check on Haerin. I rushed into her room and she was sound asleep.

"Noo," I heard her mumble under her breath.

It was starting up again.

Every so often, Haerin would have night terrors. She'd scream and kick in her sleep. Usually, it was only for a night or two... but this was the third time this week....

"Umm," I heard a sleepy groan escape Haerin's mouth as she started to wake up.

Haerin slowly started to lift her head up and jolted from the bed in fright when she noticed me.

"Woah, are you okay?" I asked, not realizing it probably scared her to see someone hovering over her bed.

"Yeah, w-what are you doing?" She started to get off the floor.

"Umm, I was just checking on you...," I cleared my throat a bit awkwardly before turning around to head back to my room.

"Did I do it again?" Haerin suddenly asked.

I stopped in my tracks and lowly answered, "Yeah".

Haerin knew she suffered from night terrors. It was worse when she was a kid, but the habit never really went away. She'd just wake up confused as to why a panic person was in her room looking like they saw a ghost.

To be honest, it was actually really scary... and.... very sad.

Haerin's screams were of genuine fright. Whatever she dreamed off... was so real to her that it made it feel like she was truly in danger. What was sad about it.... was that Haerin would be screaming for her mom, dad, sister, or me.

I was always the last one to be called.

"I'm so-"


Haerin was just about to apologize for scaring me again, when the doorbell rang.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. I'm just glad you're okay," I gave her my usual response before walking over to check on the door.

I looked over the peephole, but found no one. So, I slowly opened the door and was startled to find Social Worker Hanni at my door.

"Hi," she kindly greeted.

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