The blank canvas

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The painter sat,holding a blank canvas to paint. What to paint,he did not know. He had no idea.

So he picked up his earbuds and cell phone,put on slow music and started out,after locking the door of his small rented room. As he took steps,he smelled the air. It was fresh. Spring was here. The fragrance of fresh flowers drifted along and few birds flew here and there. He stood under the gentle February sun,wondering how beautiful it was.

But he had to walk forward. The enchanting fragrance of melted cheese attracted him. Pizza. Of course. He was in Italy after all. He stopped for a few moments.

"Should I go in and take a bite? It's been very long since I enjoyed a cheesy piece of baked delicacy. With the red sauce made of tomato and basil as frame,oregano and some pepper to add,with slices of pork sausages,or vegetables like corns and peppers,with olives and lot and lot of cheese"thought the man..

He was about to step forward when the gentle old lady of the shop smiled at him. He smiled and walked inside. As he waited,she poured him a fresh cup of coffee,ground freshly,black without sugar. He smiled as he sipped it. It was hot. Soothed him. The cold weather of February had made his finger chill. He warmed them with the cup and waited for his goodies to arrive..

Soon the lady come with two slices of Pizzas and two cream puff for him. He smiled and enjoyed. Savoring it's taste. As he ate the cream puff with the bitter black coffee,he felt as if it was heaven. After that he walked upto the counter and paid the lady and thanked her for her kind gestures. And walked out.

"Should I go back now?"he wondered as  he walked out of the door.

As he closed his eyes,he found a picture. But it seemed incomplete. 

So he decided to take steps forward. As he walked,he heard the sound of water. But there was no water fall nearby. What was it?

A fountain?

He smiled as he stood watching the fountain. The water falling in all direction,as few drops fell on him,then the birds he had seen,it created a beautiful picture..

Smiling he walked back. It was already noon. Sun was shinning up on head. He felt a little warm. As he removed the long coat,he smiled. The white shirt,wollen looked good on him. Of course,he liked to exercise a lot. It helped to keep his body fit.

Some girls giggled as they looked at him. His chiseled face and gentle aura was always a beautiful sight for onlookers. And his black glasses added to the charm.

"Have I become more handsome? It's too troublesome to look good. I need to bring masks from now on"thought the narcissist man. Sun smiled a little as the rays touched him. His unkempt hair moved in wind.

As if wind wanted to tell him,stop with your narcissistic approach..

Or it wanted to tell him,of course you are beautiful. Everyone is beautiful in their own way..

He opened the door and walked in. Keeping the coat on the hanger,he removed his shoes. Then wearing the slippers he walked towards the window and opened it.

Then he sat in front of the canvas. As the white curtain moved,he got lost.

The simple black and white colours worked their magic. He felt the time stop. As his hand continued to move. As he painted the piece his heart depicted..

The drops of water from fountain and two birds flying towards sky,a contrast. Like soul flies towards Heaven and body stays,in embrace of earth. Like heart seeks something else,bur mind ties it up. Like eyes seek for something else but sees something else..

The marble fountain had the cravings of small animals,a horse standing on it's front hooves. And a bull sleeping.

He smiled,looking at his masterpiece..

And drew the curtain. To go back to sleep..

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