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"And check mate..Dear..It's over"she heard a voice telling someone inside the room...

"Check mate? Here? Inside court?"she wondered incredibly as she moved out from the door to watch who it was..

And after few minutes cake out a junior scribe. He smiled a little and arranged his shirt and left. No one else was there next. Was he playing with himself then,she wondered..

The young judge walked towards the court room. The scribe smiled at her a little,as usual,behind his large glass and his sweet round face. Cute,right? He had a cute,innocent face.

She noticed him this time. He would almost always keep to himself. But there is this polite smile or silent distance in him. That kept a glass barrier between him and all others.

She had won many cases ,lost many as well. But first time she was intrigued. By this little scribe..

She finished her hearing and walked back..Just then,she heard a fight. Someone had assaulted someone. As she walked towards the direction,she saw him. Standing a little far away.

Was he not a man? Why was he standing there and not stopping she wondered..

But she saw him,picking his phone and dailing someone. Was this the situation to call and chat? She wondered. She knew the people fighting. Basically the offender of the case was threatening the victim,and he was really aggressive.

She was about to walk there,when she saw him nod a no. She glared and took steps towards them. But as she was about to reach there,there was a gun shot. The victim actually shot the offender. She stood still.

But soon police was there. Arresting the victim and offender.

She wondered again. Why did he stop her. Did he know there was a gun?

But he was not there anymore as she looked around.

The next day as she came,she found out,the victim was actually accusing the offender falsely. That made the offender aggressive.  He was threatened for money too.

She looked at the scribe again. He was sitting and noting the documents needed. Fully involved in his work.

Just as he was about to walk out,she came.

He gasped at the sudden intrusion. But stood still. Afterall she was...

"How did you know she had a gun?"she asked as soon as he looked at her..

He looked at her strangely.

"You stopped me from approaching them because you saw the gun right?"she asked again..

He looked at her weirdly..

"So you cannot speak. It's okay. I understand sign language "she said as she moved her hands..

"I donot understand sign language. And I donot know what you are talking about. When did I stop you? "He asked incredulously..

She wanted to ask something more. But her phone rang. She had to leave. A new case. She was the most famous lawyer after all..

As he watched her leave,he smiled.

"How could I not stop you?Afterall. You are my.."he stopped as if a reminder. He was no one to her. No one to anyone.

He smiled and walked out.

The lawyer,would she forget the scribe or not. No one knew.  But there was a mystery between them. A simple district court. And it's lawyer and scribe?

What mystery did it held?

The Echos of longingΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα