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"Dear. You are illusioned. Wake up. He is not what he seems to be" her friend warned her..

"Child. There is noting as such existing. He is just a myth. A fiction. Donot dwell too much into it" her parents preached..

"I am your reality. See. That character in the story we acted. You are my beloved woman and I am your man..But wake up from that dream. There is no such perfect lover" the man who claimed to love her claimed.

She smiled. What was she looking for anyway? Did she even know what was she looking for?

Why was everyone so busy defining her? When did she say,that she wanted that perfect man that she played with. Was she a perfect woman? Was she that perfection then?

And someone left,that place. With a note. Yes. You are. You are that perfect woman. Thar perfect person,whom I love.

She found it. Yes. But she took it as the letter left by her angry lover. Afterall. The handwriting was quite a match.

And time passed. The gap between dream and reality was also increasing. What was dream? What was reality?

Dream,woven by our mind,to escape the fatigue,the fear,the weakness and the cowardice we have in us. Reality. It is as it is. It doesn't seek validation . It exist.

So. Was she lost in dream? Or in reality? Who would tell her?

That what we hear as reality,what we see as science,as philosophy. All of it is just a tiny scope of that what she took as dream. That to escape guilt that stayed in us,we have named it as an imagination. That to give us a home,and to fight our battles alone. What we see as reality is shown. That reality hides it's face,to keep family safe?

She saw countless instances. She walked step by step. Ignoring every letter,every small flower,every rainbow left behind. 

As her closed ones had typed and fed it inside her. It was all illusion..

But how long was that illusion going to last?

One day or other,it had to break. And it broke.

There he was. Standing. Waiting for her.

With each steps as she walked the stairs. She asked something..

And he answered.

The questions and answers continued.

And finally she asked. How did you know..

He smiled..

Because I have been living in you too. Always.

He answered..

And they stood. Holding hands.

"You know"he said. "I would each day dream about the moment. When you would stand infront of me. And. I would make myself a promise. That. No matter what happens.  I would try my best. To make this work. Because,with you. I see future too" he leaned on the railing and said..

"I donot know what future holds. That is karma. But darling. I know. Even when we are old. Like eighty or ninety. And I would look at you. I would still look at you with love. May be far more than this. Because,by then. I would have known. That. Finally. I have found my one and only. Crossing countless trails and dooms"he said..

She smiled..

"You know. I am not that expressive. But. What I wish for is. After many years. Walking in the evening as you wished to,that day. Holding hands and looking into your eyes. And telling you. Beloved of mine. I live you. Not love. But live you. It means. You are my life. Really. Would you try it with me? I know I am not perfect. I have issues. But I would never let you go,until you want to. Promise me. To never let me go too. Would you?"he asked as he kneeled before her. As if he was a devotee and she was his devoted.

She smiled. And nodded. Their story. Was it really an illusion?

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