The same hat-2

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"Miss. Our chef would like to meet you"the brawny man greeted her after her cafe was closed.

She smiled and nodded.

She walked towards the car. There he sat. The old man who had came in the morning to have a breakfast in her cafe.

He smiled and asked her to join him,for a government even. As his assistant.  She had worked on three or four small events as a chefs till now. And it went well. But everything was still the same. The mother and her gangs were still harassing her.

As she looked at him,he smiled genuinely.

"We are getting old. It's time. New generation takes the baton from our hands. Or spatula from our hands foe us"he said with a smile that matched his age..

She smiled understanding. It was a big event. To honour a retired soldier. Who had a lot of merits on his name. 

She signed. As she went to the place daily. Busy with her work. She smiled looking at the crowd.

She felt him near her. Every moment. But he was not there. She had to go there. She knew. The address she had left was actually the old town. She had to go there. He was waiting for her there.

As she cooked,she felt him near. As she walked back home. She felt him close. But he did not come infront.

But someone else did. Again and again. He even reached the place she was busy working.

And wearing the same green hat. She almost looked at it smiling.

He looked at her,wearing a chef hat and working. As his manager pushed him inside.

Little did the little man noticed. Someone almost twisted a pipe of steel to not hit him. Or even kill him then and there. How dare he? Look at her like that.

She was beautiful. Yes. Very beautiful.  Yes. But to look at her lustfully. He was angry.

The little boy stood infront of her,wearing the leather jacket and hat she had bought. And asked her to take a ride with him.

She nodded.

"Why are you not answering my calls?"he asked.

"Did I not make it clear that I donot want to have anything with you? Anymore?"she asked in return.

He increased the speed of the bike. She shivered. He was a cheap man,she knew. But this cheap. She never knew.

"Donot you ever miss me? Especially the long nights we did things inside your home? Our relationship. So perfect"he asked as he stopped the bike suddenly.

He pulled her towards him. And tried to kiss her. She stood unmoved. She didn't want any of that anymore.

"Yes. I remember.  Then what? We broke up. It's over"she said.

"I have our moments. That can destroy you're threatened.
She smiled..

"Good. Go ahead. But donot worry. It won't destroy just me. I would take a bite of you too this time. You see"she said sarcastic..

Something in her had shifted. She had found courage. She knew. A scratch on her. And the man on the other side might as well loose his patience and do something. She knew very well. Why he kept quite. His noise were loud and destructive.

She smiled looking at him. May be. This baby boy did not know. Even his daddy would call that man Godfather.

But he was not going to interfere. His eyes around her,everywhere,securing her. But she knew. He wished to lead a life with her. Without much drama.

That is what she was working for.

"Drop me off. At the hotel. And go back. We are over"she said.

He was stunned. But soon drove back.

Next day,she picked up her social media. And posted. The photo of the place where that brat had taken her..

"A long walk"the man soaked in blood looked at the post with a smile.

He had to come out for her.

"Let's end it"he said as he picked up the long spear. And blood splattered some more on him.

The naked torso had long become red. Red. Her favourite colour.

White,his. Then blue.

"What colour does she like now?"he asked himself..

Then recalled her saying something about monochrome.

He smiled. Black and white? Like them?

Great choice.

Whatever she likes is good.

As he walked out of the place. And walked back towards the small town. Next day. Someone came scolding him..

"Hey brat. Are you waiting for moon to fall into your lap?"

He smiled.

May be Yes.

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