The cold Emperor-end

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"Meenakshi..Dear get up"she heard the strained voice of her father and woke up,disoriented..

Soon to realise she was back in time. The day before her bloodline awaken.

But when she felt the drop of golden liquid seep inside her palm,to awaken her bloodline,she felt nothing. No rush of power,no strength. Nothing. She felt empty. As if a boat,in a whirlpool,a leaf in a tornado. Without any direction. 

Her father looked shocked. Her ears were smaller than average and tail was too thin. What happened to his daughter?

Somewhere someone laughed mockingly.

And a man,no a teen age boy sat on the throne,heaving as if he could not breathe..

But Meenakshi did not react much. She knew it was because of them who had taken her tail. So calmly she told her father that she had ate something that Sundaran had given her. But had no proof to it. Her father was livid with it. But waited for the chance to punish him. On the other hand,she also started showing interest in kingdom. Her father was very happy. Meenakshi followed many things she had seen,to help her father.

And the final was becoming the friends with him,the cold Emperor. She herself asked her father to seek an engagement with him. Not for love. But to keep her family,her father,her kingdom safe.

Soon answer came. He had agreed.

Meenakshi decided to move to that palace. But something was very strange. There was someone else before her. She was the woman who had married Sundaran in the past life.

Meenakshi was livid. But she was a maid among many others. It was because Meenakshi had arrived before time. She did not know what had happened before.

So she decided to let it go. Again and again she tried to warn him. Of that one maid. But she could not even meet him. It was like he was now here,next second he had to be somewhere else. He was running like a horse in race. Meenakshi was irritated at times. But did not know why. Why was she getting angry on him? Why did she wish him to sit and talk. They had never shared any words in their previous life. Well,not until she had heard what he told her father. But now. She wished. He would stop. Talk to her. Was it because his words were interesting? No..

His words were as boring as he was,she told herself. She was busy too. With her kingdom. She was helping her father.

What she did not know,he was running around,because he was running out of time. She had been seeing things as if it was changed because she was reincarnated. But was it the truth?

At nights when she fell asleep,he had watched her,sleeping. With her cute pout. She really was a cat. Too cute. No matter how cold she behaved,for him,she was his cat. Favorite cat.

But he was running out of time. Sometimes changing fate takes a lot of things.

He had to pay the price. He had to keep his line straight for her. For her to survive. That kingdom. It was for her. Because he knew. There was someone else too. Who had to gain that memory,to balance the Good and bad. And that was the person who had poisoned him with the same poison. For him to embrace death.

A few years,Meenakshi was growing up to a marriageable age. Her father had come to fix the wedding. But the cold Emperor fainted.

The doctor told them the reason. The reason left Meenakshi being dumbfounded. Her father cold. At first he looked at his own daughter in doubt. Was the change just a pretense,to kill him,he wondered. But he saw. The worry was real. The anxiety was real.

Sitting beside him,she wondered,was it why he never came close her? Who did this. Then she recalled the maid.

Meenakshi,as the fiance,had full authority after him. She called for them and ordered for the tails to be shown. Actually it was quite wrong for them to show tails in open.  But as ordered,they had to. But that one maid hesitated. And soon,the guards had to forcibly use the golden potion used to awaken bloodline. And it was found out. Her tail.

Meenakshi's father was livid. He knew it. That tail belonged to his clan. And that woman was not from their clan. It meant someone had used something on his daughter. 

The doctor confirmed the cause. Yet,it was too deep in his bones.

After days,the cold Emperor got senses in the middle of night. Meenakshi was sleeping in her room. Someone was there,guarding. He called for them. Made a royal edict.

The empire,everything,he just left it to her and fell asleep..

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