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She looked lost. Like a child. He stood watching her as she sat on the bed. Marveling at the softness. Like a child,as her bright eyed looked around.

He smiled as he stepped out of the door. Who was she?

She was someone he had stumbled upon while driving back home. Her feet was bleeding.  Her body a maligned mess. She could not speak. She had fainted infront of the graveyard. He closed his eyes as he recalled what he had seen. Her body was almost torn apart. She was only bones and skin. Not even an inch of it was left unmarred.

He had picked her up and took her home. His lonely home. After three months she got her senses back. But she had forgotten everything.

When he had walked closer to her,she had flinched. But then had called him Father. He had smiled. But told her. He was not her father. But she could call her brother. She had nodded quietly.

How did she get well so easily. Of course it had something to do with his identity. Who he was.

Lucifer..Yama..Death..Angel of Death.. God of Death..Devil..

He had gone there to pick up the soul of the man she had buried. Her twin brother. Who had sacrificed his heart to keep her safe.

The life of those two were one of the most miserable he had seen. It's not like he had not seen more miserable ones. But this child. Her fate. Lucifer had no sympathy,right? But for her he felt it.

She was great. Happy child. Playing around. He took her to travel. They saw many scenery. Lucifer wanted her to stay with him. Forever. He did not know love. But he knew. She was the softest part of his heart.

He was sitting,eyes closed. May be busy with some work. His body stayed. He did not know when did she appear.

She had kneeled before him. Close to his legs. When Lucifer woke up,he almost jumped. But looking at her eyes that seemed to be in daze. He stayed still. Waiting for her next step.

He watched as she kept her head on his knees. And he felt something. Something was very different. Why was she kneeling? He had never made her or anyone else kneel before him.

As he wondered. Her hands seeked his. And he felt her take it and place it on her hair. Lucifer began smoothing her long hair. It almost fell till her back,touching the ground.

Slowly,he began to imbude himself in her memory. He stood silently as all her life flashed by. Then he pulled it out. Her memory.

She had fallen asleep. He picked her up and took her to the chambers. But did not leave her alone. As he sat beside her,on the lone sofa. He began looking for her memory.

And what he saw. It made him almost break his vow to not be involved in mortal world. Of course it was also a mortal realm where she was from

He watched her love. Her sacrifices. Her journey. How she was used. And wondered. Would she ever heal?

Because he knew. What happened there was extreme trauma and she had forcibly shut her own memory off. Or burned it. She had detached herself from her own self. He could only laugh. She had done so to protect the same person who almost killed her.  No,killed her. Again and again.

In the middle of night,she got up with a nightmare. Her whole body was sweating. He walked towards her and sat. As quietly as ever. And gently caressed her back to sleep.

But now. Lucifer had to decide.

Standing near the window as moon passed. He knew.  He had to walk the road. And see the end of the tunnel.

Otherwise. No matter where he keeps her. She won't stay. One day or other. She would succumb to it. The wounds,the obsession.

He had obstructed the place. It was not like anyone could just enter his place. But he opened it a little. Because he could see it. The ones who have harmed her again and again would soon come looking for her.

That is what happened. The call. She could not stay. She left. He sat,eyes closed. As she knelt before him. Putting her head on his knees. Asking for leave.

But with a promise that she would come back soon.

He laughed the loudest he had ever laughed. There was no way back. He would go down. And his journey would end.

For her pain. His journey would end and time would shift. It was not like he knew everything. He knew. What choices he had made.

The Echos of longingOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz