Locked In

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Connie hung around in the center room waiting for Harnell or Fanik to appear, vacillating between anger and fear. Did they suspect her real motive for coming to Dahria? She paced back and forth, trying all of the doors several times. And, of course, not a book in sight to help her pass the time. She rooted around in cupboards and unearthed a pleasant surprise in the hallway storage - a game of Go - which she took to her room. Peter would be delighted.

Fortunately, Harnell had shown her how to brighten and dim the lighting. Connie played a few Go games with herself but couldn't get engaged. She finally gave up and decided to go to bed and closed the door to the main room. Then spent several frustrating minutes trying to figure out how to cover the large window. In the end, she turned off the lights and lay on the bed, staring fearfully out at the dark sky, waiting for someone or some thing to leer in at her from outside.

Connie doubted she'd ever be able to fall asleep, but she did. And once again, Rennish appeared with a breakfast tray in the morning. If she knocked, Connie didn't hear it.

Standing in the gap between the shelves that divided the room, Rennish spoke in her kind, soothing voice, "Good morning. How are you feeling today? I need to speak with you about a few things. I thought this would be a good time."

Connie got out of bed and joined Rennish in the sitting area. She wanted to stay on Rennish's good side, yet felt justified at showing her annoyance, "Yes. We need to talk. Why was I locked in last night? Am I in prison here? I've done nothing wrong. I just want to be with my friend and find my father."

"I'm sorry. I asked them to lock you in. I didn't know they were going to be gone all evening. I should have explained. I'm sure this is all distressing and confusing to you. The thing is, you and your friend's presence here creates an awkward situation for us, and we're trying to figure out how best to deal with it. Earthside people don't just show up in Dahria. They haven't for thousands of years."

"If it helps, please know, I never spoke to anyone about Dahria, no one, until telling Peter shortly before we went through the passage. I trust him completely, and besides, he had no opportunity to speak with anyone. It's simple. We wanted to come, find my father and family, and live here. That's all. We're no threat."

Rennish smiled, "I don't find you threatening. But coming here could cause discomfort for many people. And Connie, I confess, I still find it difficult to understand how it is you and Peter would make such a life altering decision on what you describe as - a whim."

"Yeah, maybe that was a poor choice of words on my part. Both of us have been feeling...unmoored...I guess you could say. For quite a while. In different ways, we've made life choices we regret. When I discovered that the passage was open. It felt like...an ordained opportunity. Maybe an opportunity to pick a different path."

"An ordained opportunity. I see." Rennish raised her eyebrows. "You need to know, your friend, Peter, needs time to regain his strength. A few weeks, at least."

"What? Oh no. That's terrible. Will he be all right? I don't understand. I feel almost back to normal."

"You're much younger. He should be fine, eventually. But it would be a mistake to leave too soon. Unless you want to go ahead without him."

"Oh, I would never do that."

"You can remain here, but we need to explain your presence. I've constructed a story for you. That you are Dahrians from Selchia – our name for the Americas. You were making your way to the Toronto passage but got delayed and found it was closed when you got there, so you came here. It will explain why you only speak travel English to us and understand little of our dialect."

"I can't pretend all that." Connie frowned.

"You won't need to at first, and later it will be easier when you're more familiar with us. We'll arrange things so that most of the time you'll only be around a few people, some of them you've met. Right now, only Fanik and Harnell and a few of the other trackers know you're from Earthside and about the Arden connection."

"The two that pulled us out of the passage?"

"They're not trackers or signalers. I've already started the Selchia story with them, though kept it vague. Those two don't speak much travel English. I want to keep them out of this, at least for now."

"Am I locked up in here until then?"

"We've come up with an arrangement to keep you occupied until Peter is able to travel. And it will help you learn about Dahrian life. This will help you on your journey and to legitimize your story. Do you like gardening?"

"Sure, though, I'm no expert."

"You'll learn. I don't want you to feel like a prisoner, but will you promise me that, for now, when you are by yourself, you'll confine your movements to here in Octo, the Squares, and Joyund Farm? It's just down the road, a short bike ride. I'll explain in a minute."

"Of course, I'll do whatever you want. But what about Peter?"

"We've moved him into a larger room in the Squares. You can have your evening meals with him. Harnell or Fanik will bring you."

Connie stared gloomily down at her uneaten breakfast.

"Connie, be patient. Work with the arrangements we've made. Get the feel of things. I think you'll find it more enjoyable than it might seem now. Harnell will help you get more settled and oriented. We'll speak again in a few days. Remember, Tessa and Brome at Joyund Farm think you're from Selchia. They speak little travel English. Neither of them have been to Selchia. They'll leave you largely alone. Still, be mindful of what you say."

Rennish left. Connie felt trapped and lost about what to do. She had little appetite though relished every drop of the now cold mocha drink sitting on the tray. 

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