Talking to Arden

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Peter and Pria found Lina, who brought them a fast scooter they could ride on the mountain trail to Zatch's compound.

Pria drove the scooter with Peter hanging on behind her, pointing out the paths to follow. The little engine made enough of a hum that Peter had to raise his voice to converse. "I hope you don't mind me asking. What does Eneko need from Arden? More information about how to close the passage?"

Pria was quiet for a minute, "Not exactly." She paused again. "I'm sorry, Peter. He made me promise not to talk about it. I guess I can tell you that it could be of help to Connie. But I'm afraid that's all I can say."

In a few minutes, she spoke again, "Peter, for your friends at the echo station, I'm going to make up a story about why I need to use the station. I don't like to do that. It's not the kind of thing I do. But it also means I'm putting you in an awkward position. I..."

He broke in, "It's all right. I trust you. I know how much Connie trusts you. But maybe some day you can tell me?"

"Oh, I do hope so. And when I can, I'll reach out to you right away. I know you'll understand then."

Coming down the mountain, Pria turned off the engine, guiding the scooter in a controlled coast. Vossey spotted them when they were halfway down. Peter stuck out his head and waved so she could see that it was him. She waved back and yelled. Soon Olan and Jeggie emerged from their house.

Pria parked the scooter and Peter introduced her to the others. Pria explained that she wanted to use the echo station to contact Arden, as he had formed an acquaintance with Hastings on one of his Earthside years and Eneko thought he might know something useful about the man.

Pria felt that if she spoke rapidly to Arden in the ancient version of her dialect, even if anyone was listening in, they wouldn't understand.

Olan said, "I see. Yes, that could be helpful, but we should keep it short, in case Earthsiders are still trying to find this echo station. Bring the scooter with you to the shelter. After you're done, Vossey can show you a shortcut path that will take you straight to the meadow where the swarm has gathered."

Pria and Peter maneuvered the scooter up to the station.

Olan directed, "Vossey, show Pria the track that leads to the shortcut path. Peter, you can get me settled at the cone. Arden's been staying near Kitslyn's station. As soon as I get him you can take over, Pria."

Within a minute, Arden's voice came through. Peter watched Pria take a deep breath and sit in front of the cone. She spoke rapidly in dialect. Immediately, Arden sounded angry at the other end. Vossey looked perplexed by the tone. Olan's expression remained neutral. All that Peter could understand were the names that Arden barked – Eneko, Milo, Connie, and frequently - Pria.

After her first nervous comments, Pria found her normal calm and warm tenor. They went back and forth for several minutes.

Olan leaned into the cone, "You must stop now. This is taking too long."

"All right," Arden said. He softened his tone and spoke very rapidly.

Pria listened intently, nodding and confirming verbally. She turned to Olan. "We're done."

They shut down the station. Olan started to feel her way around the rocky outcrop while Vossey pushed the chairs together against the table. Pria and Peter walked to the scooter. Peter turned to say goodbye one more time when he saw a red laser pointing at Olan's head.

He ran and threw himself in front of her, absorbing the bullet in his chest. All of them dropped to the ground as another bullet pierced the echo station table.

Olan felt for where the blood was gushing out of Peter's chest and pressed hard. She turned to Pria and spoke to her in Pria's ancient dialect, "Go. You must get your message delivered."

Peter opened his eyes, "Don't tell Connie. Promise." He struggled to breathe and closed his eyes.

Pria froze, Peter was surely dying. And, Olan had understood her conversation with Arden.

Olan continued in the dialect, "You must go. I'll do what I can for Peter. I will tell no one what I heard. If I'm still alive, come back and talk to me. Now go, go."

Pria pushed the scooter along the track up to the shortcut. More bullets fired. She propelled the scooter with her legs until she felt she was well away before starting the motor. The track was faint, but she managed to return to the meadow by early afternoon, not having a clue what she would say to any of them. But she did have the information Eneko needed.

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