Show of Strength

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No one came for Connie early the next day. She paced back and forth between the rooms and balcony. To help pass the time, she even half-heartedly did a few rounds of Old MacDonald with the choreography she and Harnell made up with Quill. Late morning, one of the mercenaries brought a generous portion of food, shrugged off her questions, and left quickly.

The day stretched on. It became clear that they weren't going to have her make a sunset transit either. That was probably why they brought so much food. She was going nowhere.

After dark, she heard someone unlocking the door. It was Grayson. With Peter.

"Okay, you're both free to go now. We don't need you anymore."

"What did you say?!?" Connie thought she hadn't heard right.

"I said, you're not needed anymore. Sorry dear, your usefulness to us is...over." He shrugged. "And I think that Rennish would be just as glad not to have you two underfoot, if you have someplace else to go. Things are underway here. Eventually you can even go back to your little lile on Earthside, if you want."

"James' expander. It works without a signaler?"

"Gristig went through with Ainsley this morning. They let the expander do the work. Then Ainsley came back through this evening with more people and equipment. It's done."

"And what if the Dahrians outside of Ladore don't want Earthside coming in?"

"Oh, Connie. Don't be naïve. They will not risk a slaughter, which is what will happen if they try to get to the passage and close it. And that's likely become more difficult because of the expander. Now that we can come and go, we'll build up quickly. Like I said. It's done. Nothing you can do."

He left.

Connie shook her head. "Wow, nothing like being told you're useless. I can't believe they're just letting us go."

"Two fewer mouths to feed," Peter joked.

"What should we to do?"

"We'll go find Eneko, and Pria, and Milo."

"Oh my god! So they are actually here? How?" Connie grabbed Peter's shoulders.

"Dahrians have some kind of intercontinental travel. Who knew? What do we know? I only saw them briefly before the trade with Quill. And Grayson cut me off before I could tell you. Eneko knows Zatch. Olan talked to Arden. He's desperate to see you, but first they're sending younger, stronger Dahrians to make a swarm on the Ladore Passage."

"A swarm? I don't know what that is, but it'll be a massacre, Peter."

They walked out of the Squares, past the moonlight shining into Fanik's rain garden.

Connie said, "I've been wondering about Harnell. I have no idea what happened to her. And Fanik?"

"I don't know."

They heard gunfire and ran outdoors. It was coming from the Ladore Passage. When they got there, bright lights were blazing out from the fortification. They hid back in the forest. Someone on top of the enclosure fired another spray of bullets high in the trees. Then stopped.

Peter said, "A warning? It looks like they're not shooting to kill – yet."

Connie clutched Peter, "We have to stop this. What can we do?"

Two strong hands grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. It was Eneko.

He grasped her shoulders. "Connie, how did you get away? I'm so glad you're safe. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I didn't make you come back with us. I was..." He spoke with a warmth she'd never heard from him before.

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