No Dithering

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Remembering the crude map Tessa's partner, Brome, once traced in the dirt, Connie knew Yawlag lay south and west of Ladore, past Joyund Farm. With the aid of a gibbous moon to highlight the way, she peddled vigorously to distance herself from the Squares. When she reached the lane leading to Joyund, she pulled off the road to catch her breath. No sign of anyone behind her. It's a marathon, not a sprint, she admonished herself.

As she leaned on the handlebars, a dark form bounded up to her from the meadow beside the lane. It was Rowie, Brome's dog. Followed closely by Brome.


"It's Connie."

"Go Tessa."

"No. No. Not now."

"Go Tessa. Baby!"

Brome took her elbow and steered her toward the house. Connie had no idea what Brome might know of her current situation, or how aware he might be of the plot to take control of the passage, or which side he might be on. But better to go along with him than try running off. If he wanted to prevent her from leaving, he could easily do so.

Through the front window of the house, Connie saw Tessa nursing the new baby. Quill sat on the floor leaning against the chair looking forlorn. Balancing the baby in one arm, Tessa's other arm hung down the side of chair, her hand cradled Quill's face. At the sound of steps on the front porch, Quill jumped up and ran toward the opening door as Brome and Connie walked in. Surprised to see Connie, he pulled back and whispered, "High five."

Brome reached into his pocket, knelt down, and opened his hand. A small hedgehog was nestled inside.

Quill ran over, all smiles, as Brome handed him the creature.

Tessa looked quizzically at Connie.

"You come see baby?"

Connie nodded.

The baby was now asleep, and Tessa handed her to Brome. Quill came over to his mother, proudly displaying his hedgehog. They spoke in dialect, and he went into the kitchen with his pet.

Tessa turned to Connie, "Spend much time with baby. Quill sad tonight. Now happy. He feed animal then Brome take back. I think you not here for baby."

"I'm happy to see her, Tessa. She's beautiful. And I'm so happy for you and Brome and Quill. But you're right. I'm not here because of her. I have to get to Yawlag. And to try to get to Selchia and find my father, Arden."

Tessa translated for Brome. And they spoke rapidly for several seconds. Connie picked out 'Rennish' and 'Fanik' in their conversation but little else. The two looked grimmer than she'd ever seen them.

Connie pondered her next move. As much as she liked the couple, she'd only known them for a few weeks. She knew that Tessa was close to Harnell, and though she'd witnessed Brome and Fanik in heated discussion, it seemed to happen in the context of a close familiarity with each other. And, it was Rennish's idea to send her to Joyund Farm, she must have felt that they'd keep an eye on Connie for her.

With Brome holding the baby and Tessa recently having given birth, Connie thought she might have a chance of making a dash for it and get enough of a head start to find a spot to hide in the underbrush off the main road. No more dithering. It had become her personal slogan. She rushed out the door and jumped on the bike. In a few seconds she heard Tessa and Brome calling after her from their front porch. Connie envisioned Brome passing the baby to Tessa and running to the shed by the greenhouse where they kept their bikes.

Connie made it out to the main road and pedalled back toward Ladore as a diversionary tactic. She remembered a dense thicket a short distance back where she dragged in her bike. Staying low, she quickly fluffed up the grasses near the road to obscure the flattened path she and the bike had created leading to the hiding place. No sign of Brome.

Connie tucked up in the thicket. It was close enough to the Joyund lane, that Connie could watch for Brome. She waited longer than she would have expected. At last, he appeared at the end of lane, first pedalling away from Ladore, though not for long.

Rowie. Connie'd forgotten about the darn dog. Rowie shepherded Brome to turn around and gleefully ran toward her.

Connie stood up, "Don't shoot. I'm coming out with my hands up." She knew Brome wouldn't understand, but it was all she could think to say.

"Hands up? What mean?" It wasn't Brome. It was Tessa.

Connie pulled her bike onto the road. When she realized it was Tessa, her fears dialled down a notch. If they intended to force her back to the Squares, it wouldn't be Tessa coming after her.

"You run from trackers, from Rennish?"

"Yes. I ran away. They want me to help them change the passage. Allow anyone to come and go. It's wrong what they're doing."

"You scared."

"Yes, I'm scared. I'm scared they'll force me to help them. They're bringing in guns. Do you know guns?"

"We learn about guns. Don't need guns. Hunt with points."

"Yes, you definitely do not need guns. If guns come, Earthside will take over Dahria. Why are they allowing it?"

"Crustic trackers now big people, important people. Ladore Passage close, they not big. Now stupid. All stupid. Harnell, Fanik. All change." Tessa spat out. She took a set of panniers from her bike and handed them to Connie. "We help. Pop tent, blanket, food. Yawlag far. Get fast-train in Misgy."

Connie strapped the panniers onto the back fender of her bike.

Tessa handed Connie what looked like a glasses case, "Hide eyes."

Connie got on her bike, "You and Brome. You know nothing about me."

"No see you. I tell Quill is secret."

"Be careful, Tessa."

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