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Early that day, Grayson came to fetch Connie before the sun was up.

"Come on, girl. We're giving Gristig a break. A couple of people and more equipment are waiting on the other side of the passage."

"I have to go already? What's wrong with Gristig?"

"She's fine. A little tired. Why do you care?"

"Just wondering. I found it pretty challenging when I came through so I'm thinking that if she's been going back and forth a lot, I can imagine how she's feeling."

"Not if you know how to approach it. Which is why you need to go now, at sunrise. And Rennish will give you pointers about the best approach. She told me you kind of did it the hard way. Typical." He smirked.

"I can't believe I used to like you."

"Now, now, now. This is grand adventure you're participating in."

"Let me get ready. Go wait in the hall. I'll only be a minute."

Grayson left and Connie turned to the bed where Quill slept snuggled up against Harnell. Her eyes opened as soon as Grayson left. She got up, careful not to disturb the little boy and stood near Connie as she changed her clothes. The two women whispered.

Connie murmured, "I didn't think this would start so soon."

"It must mean Gristig's doing badly."

"I'll do what they say today. But we can't let this go on. We have to find a way to end this so no one is hurt. If there's any way that you can get Quill and yourself away, do it, Harnell. Don't worry about me. Right now, they need me alive and well."

"I'll try. But I'm worried what they might do to you. Aren't you scared?"

"Yeah, I'm scared. I'm scared they're making me do something that will destroy Dahria."

Harnell started crying, "I didn't mean to, but I made so many wrong choices and ended up hurting the people I love the most. Rennish told me I would have so many opportunities on Earthside that would never be possible in Dahria. She said that Crustic trackers could control the passage. Everything would be better. No one would be hurt. But that's not true."

Connie put her arms around her. "You're right. It's not true. People are being hurt and it's only beginning. I made my own mess of things, Harnell. But we'll fix this."

Grayson opened the door a crack, "Times a wastin' little lady."

Connie leaned close to Harnell and whispered. "Keep Quill safe."

"With my life."

Connie was surprised when Grayson led her through a tunnel connecting the Squares to the passage.

"I don't think this was here when I came through."

"It was, but they hadn't used it in a long time. We've shored it up and widened it. Easier to control."

Going up the steps at the end of the tunnel brought them out near the passage rockface entrance in the bluff. It was now enclosed by a two-story tall, 3-sided fortification. Gazing around the structure, it reminded Connie of an army fort in Hollywood westerns. Except the fully armoured mercenaries poised on top held assault guns and not Springfield rifles. Two mercenaries stood along each of the three, 30-foot-long walls.

Through the open gates she saw more people working outside the enclosure felling trees to enlarge the clearing in front. The fort might be small but with the firepower guarding it, it would be difficult to penetrate it without serious warfare weaponry.

Boxes of provisions stood inside, as did Rennish, Ainsley, and James.

Rennish took Connie's arm, "I think it's time you had some guidance on how to navigate the passages."

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