Arden's Lies

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"It's not loaded. I've got magazines in the bag." Connie handed the pistol to Tori. Like many Dahrians, she knew about Earthside guns but had never seen one in real life. During Lina's Earthside travels as a young woman, she saw guns in movies and once watched someone shoot a rabbit in the countryside.

Connie brought out one of the magazines and described what the gun was capable of and how she came to take it. Tori put the gun back down and looked at Connie and Peter. "Show me."

Peter threw his hands up, "Don't look at me. I've never touched a gun in my life."

Lina said, "Tori needs to see what it does."

"Of course. I understand. You both need to understand how easily these kill. Help me up. Peter, bring my pack. We'll go outside. Is there any way we can shine some lights?"

They used the headlights on the two scooters they'd rode back on to shine into the woods near the house. Tori brought out a chair for Connie and hung an old cloth on the trunk of tree about 25 metres into the woods. Connie instructed Peter and Lina to stay with Aldo in the house, worried how the wolf might react. She hobbled out with the wooden cane and warned Tori that it would be loud.

Connie sat and loaded a magazine. Then she took aim at the cloth on the tree and fired five times, twice hitting the tree and rending the cloth. The other three bullets went wide shattering branches. Aldo barked and howled. Tori stood still, grimly staring at the shredded cloth.

Lina, Peter, and Aldo came outside. The wolf raced up to Tori and wrapped herself tightly to Tori's leg. Lina and Tori exchanged a few words, and Tori took one of the scooters and left.

Connie asked, "Where is she going?"

"Bring others. We need to make a plan."

Connie ejected the magazine and held out the pistol. "I want to destroy this. It can only create horrible harm."

"Wait. Show others. Tomorrow. Come. Now we eat. Then we'll sleep."

After they finished eating, Lina briefly demonstrated the sounds of some of the instruments on the shelves. She explained that she and Tori ran a sort of music school for anyone who wanted to attend. Several of the buildings on the grounds were small cabins where people could stay. As well as teaching, the round room was used for concerts – both planned and impromptu.

Later, Peter and Connie were each shown a cabin where they could sleep. In the morning, Connie woke to the murmur of voices. At least fifty people were gathered on the grounds, many sat enjoying breakfast at tables set up outside. More could be seen moving around inside the large house. A variety of bikes and scooters were parked in the lane. A few more horses grazed in the meadow beyond the buildings.

Peter was already up and comfortably milling about. Vossey was with the group and stood near Peter. She tugged at his sleeve to point out that Connie was up.

Conversations stopped and people emerged from the house as they became aware that Connie had stepped out of the cabin leaning on the walking stick. Their expressions ranged from welcoming to stern, though most were someplace in between, attentively curious. Their attire was more subdued than what Connie saw Misgys wear at Brodurne, but still widely varied, much more so than Crustic residents.

Lina rushed over and pointed at Connie's ankle, "Is that still hurting?"

"Much better. I think Tori fixed me."

"She's a good fixer. Come. First drink. Eat. Then meet people." She made a sad face. "And then the gun."

Peter joined Connie, and Vossey brought them breakfast. When Connie was finished, Lina introduced people, one by one who came over to Connie. She stood with her arm on the back of the chair for support. Most reached forward to mutually clasp hand to arm, which Peter explained was similar to shaking hands for Misgy. A few seemed leery of her and merely nodded. Everyone made a point to take in her eyes.

One man, late-30's, average height, imposing athletic presence, kept his arms folded and sneered, "So. Arden's mongrel." He had heterochromia eyes.

Tori had already hung a cloth on a tree in the woods and positioned a chair. She and Lina pushed everyone back. Though Connie asked Tori to warn people about the noise, no one opted to go inside.

Connie whispered anxiously to Peter, "I hate this. It's like I'm desecrating Eden. And all these people watching me like I'm some sleazy carnie sideshow. I'm a wreck. I'm so nervous. I wish I hadn't taken it."

"But it will help them understand what's at stake. Just pretend you're Annie Oakley."

Connie shook her head, "Oh, Peter. Okay, I'm Annie Oakley." She took a deep breath and shot off five rounds. After her first shot hit the cloth, she deliberately circled around it, blasting out a swath of branches. She dropped the gun to the ground, her ears ringing, the cordite smell clung in the air. There was a brief moment of silence, like that potent second between the orchestra's final note and audience applause. A beat or two of utter silence to absorb the last echoes of music. Except here there was no music and nothing to applaud.

Connie stood and turned around. Any friendly feelings from the group were gone. She felt like the most unwanted of guests. Murmuring in small clusters, the group seated themselves in a loose circle.

Tori gestured to seats in the circle for Connie and Peter. Lina sat beside them to translate as Tori spoke to the group.

"Tori made the gathering. She speaks first. They want to hear everything you know. Some Peter told us. You start at the beginning. Start with Arden at Earthside. I'll translate. We'll go slow." Lina laid her hand on Connie's arm. "Don't worry. Tori is saying nice things about you."

Soon after Connie began speaking, Aldo came over and laid down next to her. She hadn't noticed Tori giving Aldo any instructions to do so but assumed she must have. Having the large animal beside her, gave Connie both comfort and courage.

With the stop and start of Lina's translation, it took a long time for Connie to get out her whole story. She was surprised how much detail people wanted and the sheer patience of the group. They took several breaks.

As more time elapsed from the morning's gun demonstration, Connie felt the group slightly warming to her.

After everyone's questions were exhausted, Lina leaned over. "Easy part. Now we talk about what to do. Make a plan." She smiled, "Never easy in Misgy. Watch, Zatch goes first." She motioned with her eyes to the 'Arden's mongrel' man.

Zatch was standing a little outside of the circle. Now he moved forward into a gap, and began slowly applauding, "Well done, Arden's 'love child.'" He mocked. And gestured to a man standing near him who began making Dahrian hand signs. "I will speak first in travel English to make sure our Earthside travelers understand every word. What a splendid performance. Connie. You do your father justice with your caring tone. I see you've even got Tori's faithful Aldo fooled. But I am not fooled. I don't know yet what your game is. But as you are Arden's off-spring, I'm sure there is a game. And I will find out what it is."

Connie cut in, evoking glares from people in the circle, "Wait. Please. What games? I don't know what you're talking about."

He laughed, "Ah yes. That Earthside impatience and narcissism. I'd forgotten. We don't act like that here, Connie. We listened to you all morning. Now it's our turn. But since you are ignorant of our ways, I will answer your question.

"Arden lied and made others lie for him, to bring you, his Earthside love child to Dahria. And then you didn't even come back with him. I laughed when I heard that. But now, with the knowledge that the Ladore Passage is not closed, as it was meant to be, I wonder if you and Arden and Rennish and whoever, have some greater plan. Perhaps you and the gracious Peter have come to us like the Trojan Horse of one of your fables. Come to plant something dangerous inside Misgy. I trust nothing that you say."

Connie sat mute and cowed.

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