Who Goes, Who Stays

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Dahrian reconnaissance reported that, so far, Earthside and the Crustics who were working with Rennish had armed control of only the Ladore Passage, and Squares. Octo appeared to be empty. This brought hope that the takeover contingent was still small and could be overwhelmed. The key was to get control of the passage.

The swarm clusters scrambled to adapt their normal tactics to try to counter the Earthside weapons. The cladding from the sides of the fast trains was torn off to use as shields against the bullets. Ladders were built or scrounged up that could reach the top of the enclosure. Larger crossbows were being repurposed to serve as grappling hook launchers.

Most in the swarm had come with whatever type of hunting weaponry they favored. The clusters worked intensely at augmenting what they'd brought.

Connie told Pria she could help with any woodworking projects. Pria took her and Peter to a cluster of Dahrians who were fashioning mobile wooden barricades to protect advancing slingers and archers. Mid-morning, Connie saw Zatch and Eneko nearby speaking animatedly. Zatch stabbed his finger toward Eneko. The two men looked furious.

Connie drew Pria and Peter's attention to the angry men, "What are they fighting about?"

They watched as Zatch abruptly halted the discussion and walked away. Then he saw Connie and went straight to her.

"This affects you too," he spoke angrily.


"You cannot take any part in the surge that will put you in danger of being killed or even hurt."

"What? I'm a part of this too, Zatch. You can't force me to do or not do. I'm young and able-bodied. Just because I'm from Earthside, I'm not going to cower..."

He cut her off irritably, "Stop talking. It's not because you're Earthside. It's because you can signal. That's what I just told Eneko. There are too few of you. Once we gain control of the passage. And we must. We'll need you to work at knitting it closed."

Pria spoke quietly, "Of course. Connie and Eneko will need to stand back."

"Far back," Zatch looked down. "I understand why this is upsetting, but the sense of it is obvious." He strode away.

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