High Five

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Harnell appeared at Connie's door with a stack of clothes.

"I've put together some clothes for you. And I'll gather more later. You can keep them. Or I can change them if they don't fit, or you'd like other colors."

"Don't tell me I can have a choice about something," Connie grumbled.

"Rennish said you were upset. We were busy last night. I left signs on the board for you, but I guess you can't read them." She shrugged.

Connie took the pile from Harnell. She had seen the notations. They looked like a mash up of quasi-Chinese characters and a higher math equation. Apparently, the pictogram writing Arden talked about.

"No, I couldn't read it. Something I need to learn. And your sign language."

"Much better here than Earthside. Anyone in all of Dahria can understand. Difficult to travel if you don't know them."

Connie needed to ponder that but in the moment what she wanted most was to get outside, "I'd like to take a shower or a bath. If that's possible. And then you'll show me this farm?"

Harnell took her through a doorway next to the entrance hall door. The pie-shaped space was divided between a front dressing area and a back shower-bathing area. Harnell explained that the water was warmed by underground thermal heating and showed Connie how the back wall slid open revealing a garden area that terraced part way up the promontory.

Connie stood under the shower for a long time hoping her troubles would wash down the drain along with her general grubbiness. She toweled off with a piece of thick cloth from a stack in the dressing area and studied the clothes Harnell brought. They were not markedly different than Earthside, but simpler, looser, made from soft but sturdy fabric. Everything fit perfectly.

The warm shower and comfortable, clean clothes definitely improved her spirits. She found a comb and stood in front of a full-length mirror to comb out her tangled hair. The pants were oatmeal colored and the top, a rich lavender, contrasted nicely with her dark hair and brightened her skin tone. Connie smiled at her reflection. She looked nice!

"You did a good job." She told Harnell who almost allowed herself to look pleased.

"I like to make clothes."

"You made these?"

"That's what I was doing last night."

"Well then, all is forgiven. Almost." Connie tried sounding jokey but from Harnell's expression, it didn't come off that way. "Hokay, I think I'm ready for the farm."

"Um, your hair? I left some slots by the shower for you to use."


"Come here," Harnell led Connie in front of the mirror in the shower room and picked up several short, curvy wire pieces sitting by the comb. She quickly created a low bun out of Connie's hair. "You don't want your hair flying all over."

"That's amazing. It looks relaxed but feels like it's firmly held in place. Can you teach me how to do that?"

Harnell shrugged.

They walked a short distance outside to the large shed. Connie turned around and looked back at Octo and realized most of the pie-shaped spaces had small patio/garden areas extending off of their rooms, unlike hers that was closed off and where they could keep her locked in overnight.

The wide doors on the large shed were open. No rain today. Inside stood a number of bicycle-type vehicles – two-, three-, four-wheels and more with a variety of seating, pedalling, and cargo arrangements. Fanik had one of them in pieces in a workshop area. He nodded when they walked in, but no smile.

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