Back to Square One

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Connie made a point to hunch over a bit and free up an extra strand or two of hair to appear a little downtrodden. When they arrived at the Squares, Rennish already stood at the entrance between two armed mercenaries. "Young Eneko. You always were a little more sensible than many."

Eneko moved closer to her. "The swarm is in turmoil. They've sent me to talk. They want to understand what you're doing and not wait for the full Gallin Council."

"Of course. Perhaps you can help them come to their senses because what we're doing will be good for all of us. I'll talk to you. Come ahead, Eneko."

"I'm bringing Connie. She wants to go back to Earthside." He reached back for her, and they walked toward the Squares.

"Really? A little surprising. But then again, now that your rarity as signaler no longer makes you special, I suppose you'd rather go back among your own. I guess we owe you a little for some of your, all be it – coerced, efforts."

She led them inside and ordered the mercenaries to separate Connie and Eneko.

Connie was gutted when they led her back to the rooms she had occupied with Harnell and Quill. A colourful, unfinished piece of knitting lay on one of the couches.

Their plans were unravelling. How could she and Eneko get themselves to the passage? And in two days the Dahrians would try again to breach and overtake the enclosure. So many more would die.

Connie stood out on the balcony and took in the forest vista in the late afternoon sun. One of the mercenaries came in with a tray of food.

"I want to eat in the dining room. I'm not going anyplace. I want to go back home," she barked at him.

He left the tray. In a few minutes Ainsley came.

"What's your story, sister dear?"

"There's no story. I just can't do this anymore. I want to go back home where I understand what's going on. This is more than I can deal with. I want out, okay? Now, can I go eat in the dining room?"

"Oo, touchy. Your little Dahrian friends not so happy with you now?"

Ainsley walked Connie down to the dining room. They sat at a table with Grayson and Hastings. No sign of Eneko. Or Rennish.

Connie said little, which wasn't hard as Hastings enjoyed the sound of his own voice and spooling out stories of his mining triumphs. Grayson played the role of savvy interviewer, feeding his father flattering cues of forgotten exploits to keep the old man rolling. And Ainsley provided the adoring audience, eagerly squirming and eyeing him and Grayson like an insecure Labrador retriever trying to please its master.

That Connie sat expressionless no one seemed to notice or care. At least eating in the dining room, she didn't have to worry about what might have been slipped into her food. She needed to make sure to keep her wits about her. And she needed to hang onto every wit.

"What are you planning on doing when you get back, missy?" Hastings suddenly boomed at Connie, startling her.

God, she had to play this right. "Go back to my life. I'm not made for this. Grayson knows this." She nodded toward Grayson and continued. "I think the Dahrian world is interesting. Unique. And I hope they'll be able to keep many of their ways and customs when all of this calms down. Right now, I'm scared and very tired. Plus, I know I'll never fit in here. I just want to go home. And then I want all of you to leave me alone." She worked up a quiver in her voice which wasn't difficult, as the next thing she said was true. "I'm having a really hard time coping right now."

She didn't realize that Rennish had come up behind her until the older woman placed her hands on Connie shoulders, "These are difficult times. It's understandable that a person might want to leave. Though I'm a little surprised at you, Connie. But then I never really got to know you."

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