Part 11

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"Get the idea already & shut your mouth will you."

"Hahaha." Suddenly they heard Jimin laughing while holding his tummy. He was laughing so hard that his eyes turned into crescent moons.



O no this is not good. Why wouldn't this dramatic sh*t get the idea & close his mouth. It's always like this whenever we call Jimin cute or chubby, he would get really angry. For some reason being called these is equal to being called 'Fat' for him. I know it's ridiculous but Yoongi hyung explained to me that it's just his pregnancy inferiority. He often feels nervous about his big belly & weight gain.

Even though we find it's not something to feel inferior about but for Jimin, it makes him feel less beautiful & unattractive. And now this dramatic sh*t just threw a stone at the resting volcano. May Lord Shiva save him from Jimin's wrath.

I watch how Jimin is laughing like a maniac but he can burst any second now.
I can also feel Taehyung struggling in my hold. But if I let him go, Jimin will probably say something offensive to him.

"Quit struggling & let hyung handle the situation, alright."

".... Sbsh-what situation? Move your dirty hands from my mouth Mr. Bunny."

"Don't call me that."


We were interrupted when Jimin came forward & caught Taehyung's hand pulling him towards him. He looks upset.

Here it goes...

"Pretty boy... Answer me honestly... Do I look fat to you."


"Shush.. Jungkook-ah. I wanna hear him."

You're so dead dramatic sh*t. I look at him to see the fear in his eyes that we feel whenever we offend Jimin but I was surprised when he suddenly hugged Jimin smiling brightly. So bright, that it makes me wanna wear my sunglasses to avoid that brightness.

"Of course not. You're not fat at all. You're the cutest, prettiest & most precious looking person in my eyes. These chubby cheeks of your are a sign that you are healthy, it gives you the additional glow. I'm sure this is the afterglow of pregnancy. By the way, which month is it?

"4th month."

"Wow congratulations. If the mother is so cute, I'm sure the baby will be even cuter. Right guys?" He turned towards me & Yoongi hyung. And without thinking much we quickly nod our heads in agreement.

"And about my dress, I made it myself. You might think that I'm praising myself, but really I'm an exper at this. If you want I can make one for you too."

"Wah! Really?"

"Hmm... Tell me...-"

I see as Taehyung was able to avoid getting burned by the volcano, successfully. I can't believe he was capable of distracting Jimin so smoothly. No one & I mean no one except Min mami had the power to do that. But now Taehyung did that with ease.

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