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It was a typical Saturday morning in the Jeon household, and Mirae and Jaehwa were getting ready for the day ahead

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It was a typical Saturday morning in the Jeon household, and Mirae and Jaehwa were getting ready for the day ahead. As they prepared breakfast in the kitchen, Jaehwa couldn't help but notice Jungkook's absence.

"Where's Jungkook?" Jaehwa asked, looking around the house. "Isn't it his day off from school? Is he still sleeping?"

Mirae let out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head. "No, he's not sleeping," she replied, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "He's probably over there, where that little bird's nest is," she added, gesturing towards their neighbour's house.

Jaehwa looked confused. "What do you mean? Is he in Min's house?" he asked, puzzled.

Mirae chuckled, finding the situation amusing. "No, he's not in their house, specifically. He's stuck to Y/n's crib. He's just so stuck to her side that it's like he's her shadow," she explained, a smile playing on her lips.

Jaehwa laughed, understanding dawning on his face. "Ah, I see. He's with Y/n, then," he said, nodding in realization.

"But why isn't he asking for his usual Saturday stroll to the park with appa?" Jaehwa asked, curious and jealous that his son's attention is diverted.

Mirae shrugged, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, he must have figured out that his appa is busy today, so he decided to go back to where he stays 24x7," she replied, a playful tone in her voice.

Jaehwa laughed, shaking his head at his son's devotion to his little sister. "I think at this point, we might as well declare Jungkook as Haneul's son," he joked, joining in on the fun.

Ok then other hand, in Y/n's room, chaos reigned as she cried and yelled, while Jungkook tried to extricate himself from the makeshift nest he had created.

Flashback to a few days earlier, where Jungkook had thrown a childish tantrum in front of Mirae, begging her to buy him a bird nest game he had seen at the store.

Jungkook had been fascinated by the game, which involved building a nest and placing little bird figurines inside. He had pleaded with Mirae to buy it for him, but she had refused, citing that he already had enough toys.

But Jungkook was stubborn. He had thrown himself on the floor, kicking and screaming, demanding that he get the game. "I want it, eomma! I want the bird nest game!" he had shouted, tears streaming down his face.

Mirae had tried to reason with him, telling him that he didn't need the game, but Jungkook had been relentless. "No, no, no! I need it, eomma! Please!" he had cried, his face red with frustration.

After what seemed like an eternity of tantrums and pleading, Mirae had finally relented. "Fine, fine, I'll get you the bird nest game," she had said, giving in to his demands.

And now, as Jungkook tried to untangle himself from the mess he had made in Y/n's room, he couldn't help but think back to that moment.

In an attempt to get her to stop crying, Jungkook used his strongest weapon which wins against all odds - Baby Shark.

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