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The day had finally arrived—Y/n's 18th birthday

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The day had finally arrived—Y/n's 18th birthday.

Y/n's excitement on her 18th birthday was infectious. She bounded down the stairs, where her brother Yoongi was already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast. "Happy birthday, Y/n!" he said, flashing her a grin.

"Thanks, Yoongi!" Y/n replied, grabbing a piece of toast. "Can you believe I'm finally 18? I feel so grown up!"

Yoongi chuckled. "You're still my little sister, no matter how old you get. But hey, now you can legally drive without me worrying about getting a call from the police."

Y/n's parents joined them in the kitchen, both beaming with pride. "Happy birthday, sweetheart," her mom said, giving her a hug. "You're officially an adult now."

"Thanks, Mom," Y/n said, returning the hug.

"I can't believe I'm 18!" she exclaimed, taking a big bite of her toast.

Her dad chuckled. "Seems like just yesterday you were learning to ride a bike. Now you're all grown up."

Her mom nodded, her eyes misty. "Time flies, doesn't it? It feels as if she was born just yesterday and we saw her in our arms for the first time. And not to mention, the way Jungkook was kicking everyone's leg whoever held her to see her face.", she chuckled.

"Ah, where's Kookie? I didn't get my birthday wishes from him!", she pouts.

"Oh sweetheart. Jungkook already set off for work. I saw him from the terrace, dressed in his work clothes and driving off to his office."

"What?", she was bummed.

Could he not have at least said a "Happy birthday" before disappearing to that god-forsaken company of Google-Poogle!!!

Or maybe dropped a text?

She unlocked her phone, saw many texts from her friends but none from Jungkook.

Let him come back home..... I'll Google how to bake a human being in front of him and even his goddamned CEO won't be able to save him from me baking him till he's soft on the inside and burnt on the outside.

By grilling. Not by what you're thinking.

She stopped back to her room, her feet heavy and resounding. Yoongi sighed before following his sister to her room.

Y/n sat on her bed, staring out the window, feeling a bit deflated despite all the birthday wishes. Yoongi, her brother, noticed her mood and sat down beside her.

"What's wrong, Y/n?" he asked.

Y/n shrugged, and lied, "I don't know, just feels like any other day, you know?"

Yoongi nodded. "I get it. Birthdays can feel like that sometimes, especially as you get older. But it's also a time to reflect on the past year and look forward to the future."

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