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"Jungkook. I think you should stop spending time with Y/n. In fact, stop seeing her, spending time, pulling pranks or even talking to her."

Jungkook paused hearing her words.

Somehow, the words stirred an unsettling feeling in his heart which he was unable to shake away.

He waited for his mother to continue and give her a reason, because asking something so huge out of the blue requires a reason.

She asked him to let go of what constitutes a majority of his life. He must get a reason.

"I know you care deeply for Y/n, but you need to understand the age gap between you two. You're an adult now, almost 20, finishing your undergraduate degree while Y/n..... she is just 10 years old. Just a minor. It's not appropriate for you to stick to her 24×7."

Jungkook frowned, "But eomma, Y/n is my little one. I just want to take care of her and make sure she's okay. Nobody ever questioned the age gap earlier. What happened so suddenly?" he protested.

Mirae nodded, understanding his feelings. "I know, Jungkook. And it's wonderful that you care for her so much. But some things are meant to stay in childhood. As you grow older, your relationship with Y/n will naturally change. You'll have different responsibilities and priorities."

Jungkook looked at her, unmoving.

"Yes, I get that I've to become a responsible man and look after my future, but what does it have to do with my candy?", he asked.

"First, don't call her that way. Look Jungkook, I don't know how to explain this, but friendships are meant to be usually among same age group people. And even if some age gap exists, it shouldn't be something between a grown adult and a 10 year old child."

Jungkook held a puzzled look on his face.

Mirae sighed, "Tell me Jungkook, you've crossed your teenage, turned 20 now, how many y girlfriends you've had?"


Mirae sighed again, "Any boyfriends either?"


"How many dates have you been to? How much time you've spent outside of your neighborhood with friends? Leave that. How many friends have you made throughout your school days and college days?", Mirae exasperatinly asked.

Now that he pondered over the question, he realised the things that have been off.

He's been to just a couple of casual dates, that too set up by Yoongi for him but none of the women caught his eyes enough for him to ask them to be his girlfriend.

He had just a couple of friends with whom he hung out, that too very scarcely.

"Darling, I think it's high time you create a little space between the two of you. She'll soon be growing by age and understanding the concepts of world. A man so much older than her sticking with her all the time isn't good. It was all fine and friendship in your childhood..... But you need to keep that childhood in your past only."

Age Gap [JJK]Where stories live. Discover now