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The airport was bustling with travelers, but amidst the crowd, Jungkook and Y/n stood, a picture of contrast. Y/n, radiant in excitement, wore a flowing summer dress that complemented her glowing smile.

She couldn't contain her admiration for Jungkook, who, despite his disinterest, looked effortlessly stylish in a simple white shirt and jeans, his hair casually tousled.

"Jungkook looks so amazing! I'm so lucky to be married to him!" Y/n thought, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Jungkook, on the other hand, was preoccupied with more practical concerns. "Do we have the passports? The tickets? Did you remember to pack everything?" he muttered, checking his pockets and scanning their surroundings with a hint of panic.

Y/n laughed, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. "Relax, everything is in order. We have everything we need. Just enjoy the moment," she said, her voice soothing.

As they approached the check-in counter, Y/n couldn't help but feel excitement bubbling inside of her.

As they waited in line to check in, Y/n couldn't contain her excitement, peppering Jungkook with questions about their upcoming destinations.

"Jungkook, do you think we'll see the sunset in Santorini? And what about the gondola ride in Venice? Oh, and I've read that London is amazing in the spring! I can't wait to explore all these places with you!" she bubbled, her enthusiasm palpable.

Jungkook, however, was in no mood for small talk. He remained silent, his expression impassive as he checked their documents.

Y/n, undeterred, continued, her voice rising with excitement. "Do you think we'll have time to visit the Parthenon in Athens? And what about trying authentic gelato in Italy? Oh, and we must visit the London Eye! It's going to be so amazing, don't you think?"

Jungkook's patience wore thin, and he finally snapped. "Y/n, enough! Can't you see I'm trying to focus here? Stop bombarding me with questions and go do something useful!" he barked, his tone harsh and demeaning.

Y/n's face fell, hurt evident in her eyes. She slumped her shoulders, her excitement deflated. Without a word, she turned and walked away, leaving Jungkook sitting alone near the boarding gates.

As he watched her go, a pang of guilt and regret washed over him. He knew he had been too harsh, but he couldn't shake off the irritation that had been building up inside him. He sighed, wishing he could take back his words, but knowing that the damage had been done.

As Y/n wandered through the airport bookstore, her eyes lit up at the sight of the shelves lined with books. She ran her fingers over the spines, reading titles and scanning covers with keen interest.

Jungkook watched her from a distance, feeling a pang of regret for his earlier outburst. He had been too harsh, he realized, seeing her now as she explored the bookstore with a childlike wonder. She was just trying to be happy, he thought, and he shouldn't have been so quick to dismiss her excitement.

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