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[2 years later]

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[2 years later]

It was just another day, when one could witness Jungkook and Y/n sitting down to watch "Avengers: Endgame,", the duo's all-time favourite movie.

Y/n, now 7 years old, was a huge Marvel fan, all thanks to Jungkook's obsession with the franchise. As the movie played out, they couldn't help but discuss their favorite Marvel characters and moments.

Jungkook grinned. "I've always been a fan of Iron Man. He's smart, witty, and his tech is so cool," he said, pointing at the screen as Iron Man appeared.

Oh no!

This is the perfect recipe for a disaster!

The comment from Jungkook earned a sulky look and an angry eye from Y/n.

"I told you, Captain America is the best Avenger! He's strong, he's brave, and he always does the right thing!" she exclaimed, pointing at the screen where Captain America was shown in his heroic glory.

Jungkook laughed, shaking his head. "No way, Iron Man is way cooler!"

Y/n crossed her arms, a determined look on her face. "But Captain America has a shield! And he's so strong, he can take down anyone, even Thanos!" she countered, clearly not backing down.

Jungkook leaned closer, a determined glint in his eyes. "Iron Man built a suit that can fly, shoot missiles, and even go into space! Captain America can't do that!" he retorted, enjoying their friendly debate.

Their voices grew louder, each trying to outdo the other.

And then Y/n knew exactly which weapon to use to make Jungkook yield.

She smirked. The 7 year old baby smirked.


Because she knew Jungkook LOVED his long hair.

Oh he loved it so much, that he wouldn't like it being pulled ever!

Would Y/n be cruel enough to torture him?

Heck yes!

Y/n, determined to prove Captain America's supremacy, launched a daring attack on Jungkook's hair, her tiny hands grabbing hold and tugging with all her might.

"Ouch! Y/n, that hurts!" Jungkook exclaimed, his eyes wide with mock shock as he rubbed his scalp.

Y/n, undeterred, held onto his hair with a cute but determined expression. "Say it, Jungkook! Say that Captain America is the best Avenger!" she demanded, her voice laced with playful authority.

As the debate between Jungkook and Y/n reached its peak, the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the hallway, signaling Haneul's imminent arrival.


"Haneul eomma!"

Both Jungkook and Y/n shrieked at the same time.

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