Chapter 0.1

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It had been a long time since she had volunteered. She still remembered the little road that led to Mrs. Park's house before going to that homeless haunt.

Mrs. Park had always been kind to her, whenever she had the chance to meet her as she got into the car, she always asked her how things were going with the family and where she was going.

Haerin would occasionally tell a lie about having to run errands, lying about her behavior at school and her grades. Every time she walked towards that house she hoped not to see Mrs. Park's face, because she honestly felt guilty for the many lies she told.

After all, Mrs. Park was the only person with whom she could speak with such ease that sometimes, in the evenings, she wondered whether what she said about her might turn against her.

Furthermore, Mrs. Park had always shown a calm and helpful smile on her face without ever judging anything about her appearance or mannerisms, making herself false in front of Mrs. Park's eyes was useless. Sometimes she was stopped by boys or girls, they asked where she was going or if she needed company, but Haerin was always very abrupt with them, spreading the haughty perfume of her Alpha.

Some of them rightly already knew from her smell and her physical size that the girl had to be an Alpha at first glance, but they still try to create relationships by seeing the girl's charm. Although Haerin's appearance had captured thousands of people in her life, her personality made her appearance a contradiction: that very sweet and pleasantly calm face appeared to a person's mind as a rather kind individual in her ways.

Instead she was completely different: she was very careless and above all indifferent to what happened around her or what she had to do with others. She always had wired headphones with her so as not to hear anyone and to make everyone aware not to disturb her. Moreover, her behavior was seen as a mockery to some of the people who wanted to hit on her. Despite this, her behavior also made her school life difficult and she found herself volunteering at a homeless shelter.

It was always the same thing, every summer she found herself volunteering due to her do-nothing bad behavior and her terrible grades. She really wanted to apply herself but every time she saw those books she gave her a headache.

Luckily she would spend a few more years in that school and didn't really believe in the alternative of going to a college or university even though her father had always tried to make the path of education seem like an excellent choice for the future like University.

Her father was an esteemed lawyer and he didn't want his daughter to be a do-nothing. He would make her and her family's image look like a joke. But how could she make herself useful to her family if she didn't even have the idea of ​​how to start working or studying?

The word fatigue was not in Kang Haerin's vocabulary, but she had to shorten her sleeves again today in an attempt to get out of that dirty place as quickly as possible. About her She stood behind the food counter and began throwing mashed potatoes onto the plates of the hungry poor people who passed in front of her with a ladle.

She wondered if she would end up like them if she didn't accept her father's idea of ​​starting to study to go to a good university. She hated the awful feeling of having no control over her future. She had always had everything under control in everything and at all times, but she had never understood the importance of fate within her life.

Reality hit her like a bullet to her chest as she realized what she had in front of her. A line of homeless people asking for something to eat. Could she really have a life like that if she wouldn't take her life seriously? She scratched the back of her neck, now itchy because of the enormous white cap that she had up to her forehead.

"Why don't you move?" asked the boy next to her, a Beta, who had been volunteering for extra points in college for more than ten years. He was an annoying and clumsy person, sometimes Haerin blamed the boy for something she had done. Haerin had been so immersed in her thoughts that she hadn't realized how distant her mind was from reality.

Why couldn't things transmute into thoughts and be simpler to make everyone's life easier? Things would have been different and life would have been beautiful, but it wouldn't have been real. The darkness that overwhelms people's figures was always on one's shoulders until one's death, and Haerin felt it touching his neck from time to time.

She really wanted to put an end to her life and the hell she went through every time she returned to school, but she had to hold her breath so as not to explode and throw a portion of mashed potatoes onto her plate once again before she would end up like those potatoes.

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