Chapter 0.9

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It had been a couple of days since Danielle had made friends with other girls in her class. 

Some of them were bigger than her while others were smaller but still very mischievous like every Omega of that institute.  It was said around that Danielle could be a possible popular girl in school due to her very sunny and energetic character towards everyone. 

Like every day, Danielle ignored such comments and enjoyed talking to everyone and especially her old friend from Melbourne, Hanni. 

"Do you know her? How do you do it? Hanni is something untouchable" said an Omega at the cafeteria table as she saw how Danielle greeted Hanni in a friendly way. 

Danielle shrugged with a smile on her face, "We've been friends for a long time," she laughed and just didn't pay too much attention to the girls around the table.

  One of the many Omegas at the table had a dreamy look on her face as she watched an Alpha from afar who was alone enjoying her free time.  It was Haerin who was being stared at assiduously by the Omega at the table right in front of her but despite the energy the girl threw at her, Haerin didn't care. 

"You still look at her" whispered a Beta at the table forcefully pushing the body of the girl who had recovered from her dream. 

"I would really like to go out with her," she said after a while, causing a fuss of yawns and bored sighs. 

Danielle raised her eyebrow, not quite understanding the situation.  The girl asked for explanations but only one of her Betas told her "she has been watching Haerin from afar for two years but she never has the courage to tell her that she would like to go out with her". 

Danielle watched the Omega lash out in embarrassment and then put his head on the table as Haerin's face came into her view.  She wasn't sure why but this response had given her a certain jolt to her heart.

  Not that she could bother anyone but herself, as if her back was starting to feel like someone banging a hammer behind her and breaking her ribs so she could come in and break her heart.

  Ah, now she understood.  She bothered her so much that anyone would think lovingly towards Haerin.  But why?  She had to be honest she didn't have any feelings towards Haerin but if she had to say which of the Alphas she liked the most, then she would say Haerin.

  As she had heard from Hyein, Haerin was rather followed by everyone but always with an end that she went to a night of sex and nothing else. 

But as Hanni had heard, Haerin had never slept with any Omegas from the school or so she knew.  Although the two girls were somehow trying to give in vacant information about Haerin's love life, Danielle was really curious to know what the Alpha's real thoughts were.

“So you want to know if Haerin has ever gotten engaged?”  Hanni asked again slamming the locker as she formed a strong, scented bubble of gum with her mouth full of lip gloss.  Danielle nodded keeping her hands in her lap waiting for the information Hanni would give her. 

The Omega rolled her eyes, popping her chewing gum, then placed her hand under her chin and thought meticulously.  "I don't think she had a girlfriend. But I remember seeing her kiss and cuddles with some Omega the first few days of school" she said a little confused about her choice of words. 

Danielle was also confused: she really didn't understand what was so mysterious in Haerin's gaze, something that she wanted to keep to herself but at the same time exuded from her own eyes. 

"Why are you interested?"  Hanni asked, turning her eyes towards Danielle who now felt embarrassed to say what she really thought: she couldn't say that she felt a certain curiosity towards Haerin. 

Her eyes widened, searching for an adequate reason but in the end sincerity flooded her blood from all directions, "I was curious..." "Don't tell me you like her?"  Hanni always interrupted, touching her hair with a caress as she listened to the girl's next hasty response, "No... It's just curiosity... Simple curiosity" she said between one word and another while Hanni listened with a smile on her lips to what what the Omega said full of shame. 

Hyein at that moment emerged with a Beta behind her who was holding her backpack and telling her to stand up straight.  "What were you talking about?"  the girl asked, jumping between the two of her, holding Danielle's arm tightly around her and placing her other hand on Hanni's shoulder who was looking at her, alternating the face of her new Beta next to her.

  "Don't mind her. Leeseo is a class friend, she's not my partner" Hyein said with a playful smile on her lips hoping that Hanni wouldn't ask about that girl.  Leeseo must have been quite tired by the Omega's behavior as she had let out more than a sigh in those few minutes, but she seemed very submissive to her Omega still being there with the backpack on her shoulders. 

“Have you seen Haerin?”  Hanni asked, changing the subject.  Hyein shrugged and then pointed at Kim Minji.  She had been staring for more than half an hour at the Omega who was clasping one hand around her shoulders.  Hanni wasn't sure why Kim Minji looked at her so often sometimes it bothered her but sometimes it made her feel appreciated. 

"In my opinion, she wants you back as her Omega of her" Hyein said shaking her head back and forth giving a little playful laugh getting a glare from Hanni knowing full well what her feelings were towards Kim Minji: hatred .

  Hanni and Minji had had the type of relationship that everyone would have wanted but only on the surface, behind the smiles and loving kisses there was something else that tugged at the dark soul of the couple. 

This also brought immense curiosity to Danielle's mind, she knew very little about Hanni or Haerin or even Hyein but she wanted to know now and discover the various facets that those girls with such eventful lives but such tormented and destroyed hearts wore.

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