Chapter 14

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"Spin the fucking bottle or I'll stick it in your fat ass," Hanni said, sliding an empty glass bottle between a group of girls who had been talking about how much they wanted to liven up the party for over half an hour.

Hanni had a weakness for parties, and especially loved to party but she knew well that it was Hyein's house and apart from those twenty people, the Omega couldn't afford Alphas in the house or her parents would have torn her head off with their bare hands .

"Calm down, honey. I don't want to have my first time in my ass with a bottle" laughed one of the group making the others laugh. Hyein held back her laughter so as not to give the girls satisfaction with their stupid but real joke. "Look whose turn it is" said Omega herself as soon as she saw how the bottle pointed to Hanni.

Three girls stood at the edge of the sofa asking to participate in this game, "I choose dare" Hanni replied with her hands on her head waiting to have a stupid dare from those gossips. "How about you drink a few bottles of whiskey just yourself?" she said as if it were a question when in fact it was a very specific obligation through her two piercing eyes.

"Tell me a number" "One is enough" Hyein replied placing a half full bottle of whiskey on the table.

"Even if it's dangerous," Danielle commented, holding an empty glass for Hanni who politely asked to fill it with whiskey.

"Count yourself lucky that your landlady wants to let you down those two glasses of whiskey" commented another Omega standing aside with her phone in her hand, but producing a loud laugh among the other Omegas.

Hanni downed two glasses of whiskey and said she would have more while she played. They turned the bottle several times and Hanni didn't come around again for a while.

Danielle answered questions three times having chosen truth. Hyein didn't want to play games, saying that she had better not get drunk in an emergency since it was her house where they were partying.

"Hanni again" said another girl, a Beta to be precise. Hanni said obligation again, there were no secrets in her life since the school knew the things she did better than itself.

"Call your ex and tell her you want to see her," Beta herself said. Hanni shook her head throwing the phone under her butt so no one would take it, "There's a very serious problem with my ex" she replied "Why is it Kim Minji?" Danielle asked raising her eyebrow confused by the Omega's response.

"Because she's a psychopath addict" Hanni commented with a disgusted face while the others were already feeling heaven at the mere thought of Kim Minji.

"As if Kim Minji still thinks about you. She's definitely fucking someone right now," an Omega said with a smile on her face.

It could have been the truth under the eyes of the Omegas, but she knew well that the reality was another: the Alpha had been chasing her for days and bothered him every day regardless of the weather surrounding them or the emotions she gave off, the 'Alpha would always bug her like it was a morning hobby.

"How about you call her?" asked a Beta who had just become interested in the story after waking up for the first time in that party. Something passed through her head.

Maybe it was the whiskey she drank or it was that already empty bottle that looked at her as if Hanni was a coward. She stood up without even caring about the others.

The Omegas tried to follow her thinking that she would do something interesting, but the Omega took her car keys and left in his pajamas outside Hyein's house taking her car and driving somewhere around her .

Hanni's head was on fire and her hands were sweaty from the alcohol. She didn't know why she had taken her car and started driving into the void but her mind still worked to understand that her own hands were taking her car to the bar near the station where Minji normally always found herself.

She didn't even realize that she had already parked in front of the bar with her hands still on the wheel hoping for some divine sign. She remained there for about thirty minutes until Kim Minji's figure became visible along with that of a girl.

They were quite close and Minji had a hand placed on her ass by the girl as if she wanted to announce that she was her property. Hanni honked at her twice as Kim Minji passed her.

The Alpha turned towards the noise and only then did she realize that the car belonged to Hanni. The Omega got out of the car not caring about her pajamas or the fact that she totally tasted like whiskey, she stood in front of her Alpha with her hands on her hips wanting to understand the situation.

"Hanni, what are you doing here?" the Alpha asked confused by the girl's strange clothing since she had always seen her in very tight and sensual clothes. "I would ask you the same thing" the Omega whispered with a disgusted face, staring menacingly at the girl next to Minji.

"Would you like something to drink?" the Alpha asked again, releasing the grip of her hand on the other Omega's ass. Minji felt so happy that Hanni was there at that moment, she could hit on her again.

"You're already busy," Hanni said, crossing her arms in hatred while continuously looking at the Omega. Minji switched sides, standing next to Hanni and grabbing her shoulder as a sign of resolve, "Sorry, maybe next time..." Minji said, dragging the Omega towards the entrance of the bar.

The other girl looked at her in shock as she realized that her treat was gone. Hanni stopped for her, pushing Minji onto one of the cars. "What do you think you're doing?" she asked, letting Minji catch her breath and that playful smile on her lips.

"Buy you a drink," her Alpha simply replied, shoving her wallet out of her pocket. Hanni saw Minji's car up ahead among the many other cars. "Do you have any chewing gum?" Hanni was well aware that Minji left her chewing gum in the car, but her purpose for bringing it in the car was a little ambiguous.

She didn't quite understand why but her body was starting to burn and scald. Seeing Kim Minji, the Alpha who had been tormenting her for more than a week, going out with someone else had made her bitterly nervous.

What did Hanni have now that made her the ultimate choice for Kim Minji? Was she so desperate for sex that she had it out with the other Omegas? What was wrong with Hanni to not ask her for sex?

Right, they weren't girlfriends, in fact they were ex-girlfriends, so asking that might be strange. "I have some in the car, come on" Minji said calmly walking towards her car as if nothing had happened.

She opened the driver's door and sat down to open the small drawer next to the radio where the chewing gum was, but before she could open the drawer, Hanni sat on top of her, leaning backwards with her back pressed against the steering wheel and closing the door carries with strength.

Her legs bent as she straddled Minji's own legs. Her hands went to one side of the window and the other to Minji's chest. The air in the car was suffocating. Minji's arm was suspended in the air between innocence and perversion.

She didn't know whether to stay still or take advantage of the situation. She understood well that Hanni was drunk and she could hear from her mouth that she had drunk a lot but she didn't want to take away her opportunity so quickly.

In case the Omega ever wanted to kill her, she could say that she was drunk that night too.

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