Chapter 16

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It didn't matter if young people passed by or if families glared at the rickety car, Minji and Hanni were having the best sex of their lives after months of outings filled with failure and sexual dissatisfaction.

  Hanni was the first to regret that quick but at the same time unique sex.  Minji, on the other hand, missed hearing Hanni's moans and how her skin fell on hers making a loud and perverse noise.  Hanni's ears escorted her around the room even as she passed to her. 

Minji's long hands crossed her skin, feeling how his hips and breasts were more naked than they were: it seemed that those hands touched her soul and her body more deeply than they were and than Hanni herself knew.  Those hands of hers had reassured her and had made her enjoy herself so many times that she didn't know whether to respect or adore them. 

They had also made her cry despite those movements and those passionate memories, those hands of her had ruined his life.  Those hands so hateful and perverse towards the other Omegas. 

"Fuck, Hanni..." Minji whispered as she felt how the walls of Hanni's vagina squeezed his penis with such force that her head was about to lose rationality.  That smell of sex in the air had disintegrated all the other smells. 

Hanni kept raising her hips and slamming her hands into Minji's neck to keep herself stable so she wouldn't fall backwards along with the steering wheel of the car. 

Minji loved that show.  She opened her eyes only to see that wonderful face that she had forgotten to adore to the point of madness: those tears of joy and at the same time pain felt so good on Hanni's burning red cheek, her hands so small and red from tension and from the many slaps there was a certain electric shock to Minji's body having the strong desire to take them and drag them onto her penis once and for all. 

Not to mention her mouth, red as blood and soft as cotton.  Every time Minji reached out for a kiss, Hanni's lips grew hotter and more sinful.  Her dress was now nothing, she only had her bra open and hanging on her shoulders with the help of the black straps. 

"Do you like it?"  Minji asked, pressing the Omega's ass and pushing her penis deeper so that she could extinguish the burning sensation that she felt between her genital parts. 

Hanni nodded sticking her tongue out of her and asking to go faster as she was almost coming to her final climax.  "Minji..." Hanni sometimes whispered in a soft and tired voice but always with a very sensual tone. 

When Minji heard that sound, hers ears melted.  She came to a head when Hanni squeezed her shoulders letting her know that she had just come from the strong thrust she received from her and when the Omega herself looked at her as if she had won a prize that wouldn't last all evening. 

Hanni felt the heat move up to her head.  Minji's cum was so hot and intense that she only now realized how different the effect was unlike the other times with the other Alphas.  Minji lifted her up and lowered her penis out of the Omega's vagina.

  It was the fourth time she sprayed her sperm inside her Hanni tonight, but she doesn't think it would have ended with a simple fourth round the tonight would have lasted longer.  Hanni gasped as she felt her heart tremble. 

Minji seeing the Omega distracted, the Alpha reached out her neck took the smaller girl's shoulders and with a quick action bit the Omega's neck. 

Hanni at that moment couldn't do anything but feel so good at such a contact of Minji's so pungent but sweet lips on her neck, her vagina exploded as soon as she felt Minji's teeth sinking inside her skin that she unconsciously reached her fifth climax. 

But as soon as the Alpha separated her lips with a smile of satisfaction and pride at seeing that blood flow lightly on her neck, Hanni gave her another slap, one harder than the previous ones. 

“What the fuck are you doing?”  she said in a louder voice than usual.  Hanni had come to her senses by grabbing her trousers on her seat in the hope of leaving before things got more complicated than they were. 

“You liked it, admit it,” the Alpha said with that mischievous smile and those strong, stubborn hands circling her hips.  "I'm not your property!"  Hanni said pushing her hard. 

Minji let her hands fall to her side realizing that the situation could get worse if she forced the Omega. 

"But Hanni..." Minji whispered in a sad and distressed voice, wanting to appear like a beaten dog under the Omega's eyes.  Hanni knew her acting well and didn't get carried away by such facial expressions. 

"Don't talk, Kim Minji! I hate bitches who don't respect others and especially me" she said feeling her blood getting hot. 

Minji stared into space for a moment before speaking to Hanni for the second time "Why do you hate me so much? I didn't destroy your life" Minji replied to Hanni's angry and annoyed face. 

The Omega didn't believe the Alpha's words, she knew full well that Minji had ruined her life with her betrayals and her stupid lies.  Minji forced her body to be touched while one of her hands cupped Hanni's chin. 

That chin was brought back and forth near Minji's lips but Hanni didn't want to indulge her.  "Hanni, let me hold this heat longer..." she whispered, placing her cheeks on Hanni's swollen chest from all that sex previously had.

  "Let me hold you and let me touch you... I missed you so much that I didn't do anything but think about you" the Alpha said honestly, raising her eyes to those of Hanni who was looking at her with disgust and indifference. 

The Omega didn't want to give her false hope but let her surf with her hands on her body.  "Why don't we get back together?"  she asked with a smile on her lips as she kissed Hanni. 

The Omega stopped her after a few seconds by replying "Don't kid yourself, Kim Minji. You're a bitch and always will be."  Minji knew what Hanni was talking about: her betrayals and her past lies. 

"But think about the future. Think about the two of us together" Minji continued, sometimes leaving kisses on Hanni's neck to make her more moldable to manipulate.

"I have changed, and I can change for you whenever I want and at your command. I can be a better person if I want. Our relationship didn't go very well because I was immature, but now I'm fine, I'm responsible" concluded the Alpha, placing a hand on her chest to announce her sincerity. 

Hanni wondered whether or not she should believe those words.  "Listen to me Hanni, let's try to be better than we have been" Minji said with a knot in her stomach along with the annoying spores of nausea. 

Hanni actually didn't know what to answer, Minji's words are always nonsense for her and they still were at that moment but feeling that coolness cross the bite on her neck made her realize that she had now become her property and he couldn't escape this mark . 

People would have made her someone else's property anyway regardless of her acquiescing to Minji's demands.  Her pain would remain imprinted on the bite and Hanni would do nothing but keep quiet and act like an already occupied and no longer single Omega. 

Minji knew well what she had done and although the girl had warned her, she knew well how weak Hanni was once wrapped in the vortex of sex. 

"Leave me alone Minji" said Hanni after getting dressed on the same legs that had trapped her before her between sensual and lascivious kisses. 

"Hanni give me a kiss before you leave" Minji whispered grabbing Hanni's chin with a mischievous smile.  Hanni let her kiss her but as soon as her tongue finished doing her job, she got out of the car and walked towards her. 

She still felt that veil of mistakes that covered his shoulders on that cold night while with heavy steps she went to the car understanding that her fate had been sealed due to a stupid attack of jealousy.

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