Chapter 11

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From the school corridor you could hear some annoying, almost shrill, voices that were somehow trying to spread the fresh news to everyone. 

It also reached the ears of Hanni who was the first of the Omegas to be shocked by this story.  According to the Omega where she observed the event, Kim Minji was in the Alphas' bathroom with another Omega between her legs giving him a blowjob before her math class. 

Kim Minji was busy with this girl but the voices inside the bathroom were too loud to not be heard.  Two rather silly Alphas started screaming in the bathroom about how beautiful Pham Hanni was, adding some very perverse comments as well.

  The story then ended with the Omega's escape and a massacre in the bathroom.  Honestly Minji wanted to say her opinion but she had neither the desire nor the intention to give importance to those two Alphas. 

The principal called her to the office, kindly asking for an overview of the situation as the two boys were in serious condition.  Although Kim Minji was quite powerful even towards the principal, the principal seemed determined not to let her leave that room. 

So with her hands in her pockets and a furious smile on her lips she began to speak in front of the principal and her mathematics teacher, an Omega of ridiculously small proportions.

  "I was in the bathroom. I had just finished smoking a cigarette outside the school asking an Omega to make my stress go away with her body..." she said almost in a whisper but at the same time bringing out more and more of his honesty, "We were locked in one of the bathroom stalls, when those ugly bastards started making fun of Hanni and saying that when she grew up she would be a first class whore helping her mother who was already inside that circle..." she wanted to continue speaking as her body stood up and slammed her hands on her chest protecting Hanni's honor but the principal stopped her by kicking her out of the presidency by giving her a week's suspension for bad behavior. 

Despite her suspension, Minji showed up every day in the same place with a cigarette in her hands and her gaze fixed on Hanni.  In those days she had always gone out with some friend but today was the day to talk to her once and for all.

  "Is there someone with you?"  she asked throwing her cigarette behind her knowing full well how much she hated smoking Hanni.  The Omega didn't answer her, she looked around to see if there were people so she could cross the street safely. 

“Do you want to not talk to me for your whole life?”  Minji asked once again, clutching her hands in her pockets, hoping that her anger would not be dominated.  She resumed her classic patience, following Hanni wherever she was going. 

“Are you mad because I hit those two boys?”  she asked trying to get a sensible answer between some of the questions she had asked.  Hanni didn't even want to give a facial expression to her question, she walked to a bench and then sat down with the phone in her hand.

  Kim Minji sat next to her, spreading her legs and throwing her long arms inside them, frustrated by the situation that she had before her eyes and that she had to endure. 

“Does it bother you that I was fucking an Omega?”  Minji asked without interruption immediately after this question Hanni turned towards her with her hands ready to give her a slap but she held back. 

She bit her lip to contain her anger and then turned her gaze back to her phone.  Hanni still hadn't understood the Alpha's intention.  Sometimes she treated her as if they were still together when in fact she didn't want this type of relationship at all, she wanted her to leave her alone once and for all. 

"I'll buy you a drink" she said without even being a question, she took her arm and led her into a coffee shop.  Hanni had always hated those loud and obligatory tones of the Alpha: she didn't like being treated like that as if she had no brains or soul to answer anything. 

Despite that thought, she let herself be dragged to the cafeteria with the phone still in her hands and the everlasting hatred for the Alpha in her head.  Hanni sat down at one of the tables with the desire to die on her face. 

Minji always treated her strangely and she didn't like it.  Even when they were engaged, the Alpha was always careful about everything and forced her to do things that weren't so good for her.  But Minji had been everything to her no matter the situation, she had always given her whatever she wanted and had always made her feel like a precious jewel. 

A precious jewel that was perpetually locked in the Alpha's hands.  "I already know what you want" she said without even sitting down going towards the counter ordering the classic requests that the Omega had always wanted. 

This gave her a pang to think about how the Alpha's mind was still useful in remembering such insignificant things even though her head contained nothing but nonsense all the time.  Hanni had thought about their relationship in those days, just this month they had dedicated their first sex of the relationship.

Minji placed the drink in front of Hanni's face waiting for her to notice her and thank her but Hanni neither looked at her nor took her offering.  Minji grunted annoyed at the Omega's action but she passed over her as she was the girl still shaken from what she had been told before her. 

"Are you going to any party tonight?"  Minji asked with a raised eyebrow as she cupped her chin with one hand.  Hanni stared at her for a while but she didn't answer her this time either. 

"Look if you don't talk I'll bring some random girl to the table and kiss her in front of you" Minji said seriously tapping on the table.  Hanni kept her gaze fixed on her phone "I'm busy tonight" she replied after a while making the Alpha next to her less furious. 

Minji slumped in her chair and then said "Who? Some hot boyfriend of yours to fuck?"  Hanni didn't understand why she should care and why she would ever say those things with a smile on her face, almost as if she were amused. 

“I'll be at my friend's house,” Hanni said sincerely.  Hyein had invited her to go to her house together with Danielle and other friends of hers, she had accepted with skepticism but she had nothing else to do that evening. 

"Shall I give you a lift in the car?"  Minji asked, twisting the straw in the drink, trying to stifle Hanni's tormenting silence towards her.  "I don't need it. Haerin accompanies me" she replied having a disgusted face from the Alpha, "That girl is always in the way. Are you sure you didn't get it?"  she asked teasingly. 

There had been a rumor for over two months about Hanni's relationship with Haerin, Minji had never asked anything about them but people were always talking and something probably went between her ears.

  A Beta spread the word that Hanni had kissed Haerin in the school bathroom and that one of the students had seen it.  "What do you care? Do you want to fuck Alphas now?"  The Omega asked with a laugh getting a slightly hateful look from Minji. 

Hanni stood up got her drink and said "I'm going to be late for my guitar lesson..." she said as she looked at the time on her phone. 

She didn't even say goodbye and left with the drink in the hand.  In the meantime, Minji bit her lips both out of anger and out of the seductive walk of that Omega who persisted in not wanting her anymore.

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