Chapter 0.3

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It was already mid-day on the first day of the new school year and only during the break did she meet her friend Hanni. 

Who knows why she never had the opportunity to look at her friend and ask her why it took the help of the deities to meet her at least once a day.  Honestly, like everyone else thought, it was strange that such a girl like Hanni would have Haerin, a silent Alpha, as a friend. 

As others described her, Pham Hanni was the center of all activity at school: she was everything and everyone bitterly admitted it.

  Hanni was the one who followed the elections and lent a hand to the student committee, she was the only one who knew how to run the cheerleading team being the only one who knew how to show her ass with sensuality, she was the person who got good grades without even trying, and she was the only one who carried the burden of being a couples ruiner. 

Despite Hanni's undying love for students, the Omega had made several enemies.  The Omega had always been a very mischievous and lively person with anyone, she would meet any person every day and kiss one every week just to annoy the others. 

She attended parties every week and, without anyone having asked her, she would make fun of whoever was in front of her and that they weren't up to her standards. 

So being stunned when they saw Pham Hanni next to Kang Haerin was a bit normal.  Like now, when in the canteen they didn't talk about anything other than the possible fight between Hanni and Minji and how the Alpha had potentially tried to cheat on her with some Omega before their breakup. 

But Haerin didn't even care a bit about what they said about her friend, because despite her insults and comments, Hanni always had the whole school in her hands without even getting tired. 

This time, however, she came near Haerin and Hyein with news in her hands, or rather near her. 

"Look who's here again?"  she said jokingly making Haerin look up who was still fighting sleep and the desire to leave that school. 

“You smell like a trash,” Hanni whispered, still in her sarcastic tone, raising her hand and letting it flutter near her nose. 

Haerin rolled her eyes and then turned her attention to the girl who was next to Hanni.  She raised his eyebrows this time, not understanding why Hanni would know such an innocent and fragile looking girl.

  It must have been some joke or everything that was happening to her was surreal.  She rolled his eyes and said "Now are you going to bother others?".  Hyein snorted in amusement at the Alpha's comment. 

The Omega shook her head in denial without even thinking about her friend's sudden comment.  "She's a new student, but we've already known each other for a while. We were friends in Melbourne" the girl said after a while, making everything clearer to the two who believed it was a possible episode of bullying or some joke in good taste. 

Haerin did not displease her about meeting the Omega, it was clear from her appearance and her size that this girl could only be a pure and sweet Omega. 

That very delicate air gave her a tingling in her stomach, not understanding why this girl made her brain more sensitive than other times and also made her rather confused.  Perhaps the mixed smell in the girl's air had led to the lightening of Haerin's thoughts, but she didn't mind it much and tried to compose herself.

  "I showed her around. I have a pass for the whole day," Hanni said victoriously knowing that she would use that pass to waste time.  The Omega next to her smiled at her words and then spoke "Anyway, I'm Danielle, very nice to meet you." 

Haerin stopped for a moment: a trail of heat poured over her head, keeping everything around her soft and uncoordinated.  That floating melody that passed through her ears gave her a slight shock, making her understand who she had in front of her: an angel. 

She really wanted to die in that death and know if angels had been like that in her afterlife, but she didn't believe that such creatures were as beautiful and pure as the one before her. 

Hanni was confused in the meantime, she didn't quite understand Haerin's reaction or even the sweet smile Danielle gave her at the Alpha.  "Hyein, how about we skip the next class and go for a walk with the two of us? The permission is so generic" Hanni said encouraging the girl to skip science class. 

Hyein didn't wait for anything other than an exclamation of happiness from Hanni at having accepted the invitation.  She looked at Haerin waving the permit and asking the same thing "I can't or they'll make me volunteer even during the Christmas holidays" she replied, getting up and throwing some papers in the basket. 

She put her hands in her pockets and left still smelling the sweet almond scent of the celestial girl.

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