Chapter 22

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Hanni walked barefoot towards the front door which continued to ring because of the doorbell. 

She looked out and looked into the little window in the door and only then did she realize that it was Minji who she was knocking on with such force that it almost made her angry and annoyed. 

"What do you want!?"  she said as she opened the door seeing the Alpha's face as she was busy knocking on her doorbell for the last time. 

Hanni's parents were not at home, you could see from the car absent in the driveway of Hanni's house and also the fact that his garden was strangely silent considering that Hanni's mother, regardless of the sun or snow, was always outside to take care of her flowers.  But the problem was another, Hanni's sister.

  Hanni's sister was in middle school, she was still little, she was half Hanni's age.  Her name was Eunchae.  Since she was little, her younger sister had always believed that Hanni was an incredible and untouchable person, loved by everyone but impossible to destroy.  She believed her as a supreme person and that every problem could be solved through the help of her sister. 

Well, she wasn't entirely wrong.  Hanni was well liked by others and everything she said was always listened to despite it being false and subtly stupid.  Plus she was the most popular in the school so she automatically was the supreme person in the school. 

But her weakness was Kim Minji, and even the Alpha knew this well.  She didn't want to displease Hanni but she really wanted to see her, but her Omega preferred to be alone with her Alpha and not with her younger sister in her house.

She knew that Minji was mischievous and above all perverted regardless of the situation she found herself in, so traumatizing her sister wasn't a good choice today. 

“Kim Minji, go away!”  she said pushing the Alpha before she could take a step inside her home.  Minji swung a jewelry store bag with a smile in her hand while in her other hand, hidden behind her back, she held a beautiful bouquet of red roses.

  "I came to give you some presents, Love" she said so calmly the Alpha stepped forward again and gave the so called presents to the Omega then placed a kiss on her cheek as the icing on the cake. 

The Omega stopped for a moment, as if her life had stopped for a moment and she had started to spin imaginary reels about Kim Minji's recurrent memories of her and how bitter she was towards her sometimes. 

Fortunately, unlike her, Eunchae had never known her by name or face since Hanni had never spoken about her in her presence, for that matter not even with her parents. 

"Where is your sister?"  Minji asked, taking her shoes off her feet and wandering around her house in search of her sister's petite yet adorable figure. 

Hanni closed the door and then covered Minji's mouth making the Alpha turn her head towards her "You can buy me a car or an eight story house, but my sister can't be touched" Hanni said with fearful eyes warning literally forcefully Minji who now silently stooped to Hanni's power. 

Unfortunately the little girl had heard some noises and she had looked out, putting her head out of the corridor of the room, and barefoot she had gone down the stairs to the first floor to understand what was happening. 

"Unnie..." the little girl whispered seeing how close her sister was to that Alpha.  Eunchae was not defined as a species, nor as an Alpha or as an Omega. 

She was too young to be sure what it was that she smelled like, she was still developing being quite small.  Minji softened at the sight or so she wanted to make it seem. 

"Hey, cute, what's your name?"  Minji asked, lowering herself to her knees to be the same height as the little girl.  Hanni knew well that Minji knew everything about her little sister, she was just playing dumb. 

"Eunchae" the little girl replied with a smile on her lips.  Who could not respond when the nickname cute was inside the sentence?  And above all if Kim Minji said it with that calm and relaxed voice of hers that almost made your heart melt? 

Eunchae was silly she had never been the kind of smart and intelligent child to understand that the Alpha she had in front of her was not as good as she wanted to make it seem, after all what could Hanni say in her defense? She herself had fallen into the Alpha's trap. 

She had let herself be eaten up by his gaze and his ways of doing things, so much so that she had put the negative things about that Alpha out of her mind and only taken in the positive ones.  It couldn't have been anything other than a bad example for her sister. 

"I think I chose the wrong sister. You are much more beautiful than Hanni" said Minji with that smile still on her lips while from behind Hanni watched the scene of how her sister was being teased in an absurd but at the same time natural from Kim Minji, the Alpha who had stolen his heart but also his sanity.

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