The Setting

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According to ancient literature, Yakshas are benevolent and mischievous spirits who protect the treasures buried under the Earth. They are associated with woods, mountains, trees, forests, and wilderness. Sometimes, they are hidden in the roots of the trees. It is believed that some of the Yakshas were powerful magicians and shapeshifters. There is also a darker version of Yakshas; they were a kind of ghost that haunted the wilderness.

The men-folk were called the Yakshas and they were believed to be fearsome warriors. The women were known as Yakshis, often portrayed in ancient texts as enchantresses.

The tribe of Yakshas is an important element that drives the narration forward in the fiction, 'Yakshagni - An odyssey of unbroken devotion'.

The story is set in two alternate timelines. One is the ancient and lost world, the kingdom of Alaka, and the other is the modern city, New Delhi. In the ancient world, there were three warring kingdoms, however, Alaka is the most powerful one. The kingdom is surrounded by lush forests; where shape-shifting clan Yakshas live, gushing rivers, and snow-capped mountains. The prince of Alaka is the most sought-after young man.

Yakshas are an ancient tribe that can perform magic spells and makes themselves invisible to humans. Their leader Amogha is a trusted confidante of the king of Alaka. Amogha's daughter and the prince of Alaka fall in love with each other, to the dismay of the king and Amogha. An ancient prophecy troubles the young lovers. Meanwhile, in the forest, there flows a mighty river called Yakshagni. There is an incredible truth hidden in the rippling waters of the river.

In the current world, ever since, the already-taken, rich businessman Maurya meets the strong-willed Dharma, he is haunted by a poignant dream. He tries to brush off the tempestuous attraction that flares between them, unaware that their souls had been united much earlier in another time and another era. Despite his attempts to stay faithful to his fiancée, he is helplessly drawn to the mysterious and beautiful Dharma.

Dharma fights her nightmares desperately to cling to the present life. Each time, she meets her boss, Maurya, her memory tugs her to an ancient life where they had been inseparable. Dismissing it as her fanciful imagination, she walks away from the love that she knows, would only hurt her.

However, their destiny has other plans.

The ancient prophecy of a love written on the banks of an immortal river takes them on an odyssey through time to pursue a timeless secret.

The setting goes back and forth between an elapsed era and the present era.

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