His Fervent Wish

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The Elapsed Era:

Hanneli was enchanted by the carefully maintained gardens of the palace. Some of the rare species of plants were grown in the Nandana gardens and her favourite tree of coral jasmine could be seen in plenty.

"So, what were you saying about humans being selfish and mean?" Ekveer asked, strolling with her in the garden.

"It is true. They would destroy anything for their own means and ends."

"That is not correct. Even animals kill," Ekveer protested.

"Only for survival and not for greed," Hanneli reasoned.

"So, Miss. Philosopher, what is your opinion of our humble Nandana Gardens?"

"It is beautiful. I have never seen anything so exotic."

"Probably because you have never seen much..." Ekveer teased her as she picked up some of the flowers shed by the trees.

"I won't deny that. I haven't travelled beyond Alakapuri," Hanneli agreed and as they neared the boundary of the garden at the back, she saw the royal stable. The memory of the white horse cast a shadow on her face and Ekveer was astute to pick up on her anguish.

"Nothing is going to harm you or your father Hanneli," Ekveer laid an arm around her shoulder in comfort. And Hanneli was tempted to place her head on his strong and protective shoulder but she resisted the temptation.

"I wish...." Ekveer began and then paused, not wanting to embarrass Hanneli with his desires.

Hanneli turned to him and asked, "What do you wish?"

He just shrugged without answering her, plucked a small stem of a herb, inhaled its fragrance and offered it to her. She took it from him and added it to her collection of flowers in the pocket of her long dress. The warm summer breeze grew stronger and it caressed their faces, riffling the strands of hair, prodding Ekveer to brush the lock of hair that had strayed over her eyes.

"Hanneli...." he murmured, leaning to drop a kiss on her cheek and cupping her chin, he placed his lips on both her eyes, catching her unawares. Hanneli enjoyed the feel of his lips and she was surprised by the emotional warmth he afforded.

"I wish...I really wish that we could travel to another world Hanneli, just you and me..." he whispered fervently against her ears.

Hanneli pulled away from him and warned, "Be careful of what you wish Ekveer! There are millions of maligned forces around us, who may give it a negative meaning and make it happen."

"You sound like my grandmother. She used to say the same thing," he drawled, holding her arm lightly and leading them to the greenhouse.

"It is true Ekveer. There are thousands of unrecognizable forces around us and we should always think twice before uttering anything in their presence."

"Another one of your wise theories?" Ekveer asked in a lighter mood, taking pleasure at her exclamation of delight at the sight of the profusion of colours in the greenhouse. There was a sea of flowers of all varieties and colours that grew in abundance in the greenhouse. There were rare species of flora that were not common to the region. Hanneli skipped from one plant to another, touching the petals tenderly and inhaling their fragrance.

"Oh Ekveer, I am so glad that you brought me here. This is so magnificent."

"I know you will enjoy this," he replied, standing aside to let her enjoy the blooms in the nursery.

"Who takes care of this so well?"

"There are many gardeners..."

Ekveer would have enjoyed watching her beaming face endlessly. He felt ecstatic that he had been responsible for her happiness.

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