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Jimin eats his dinner, grease dripping from his burger as he scrolls through his social media accounts without really reading anything.

He doesn't know why he scrolls through these apps everyday; he doesn't particularly care about what he reads on there. He supposes it's a good distraction from the pity party he tends to throw for himself when he doesn't have something to occupy his mind.

After wadding up the empty burger wrapper into his fist, Jimin stands, wiping his mouth on his sleeve as he throws away the trash, reminding himself that he needs to clean his dingy little apartment into somewhat less of a pigsty.

Instead of cleaning his apartment, however, Jimin finds himself drawn back to the jewelry resting on his dresser. Though it is safely tucked inside the small wooden box, he can still remember exactly what it looks like, down to the swirls of the silver surrounding the precious gems.

He wishes he could afford to keep it; he's sure his future girlfriend would find it as beautiful as he does. Though he knows the money he will make from it will be far more useful, so he pushes the alternative away from his mind.

His phone rings, and Jimin trudges over to his coffee table in the living room, seeing his phone's screen lighting up with the name he hates to see sometimes.

After taking a deep breath, Jimin answers the call and speaks into the phone.

"Hello?" he asks, rubbing the back of his neck to relax the muscles quickly tensing at the conversation about to happen.

"I'm so sorry to call you so late," the voice says on the other end, and Jimin glances at his small wall clock to see it's just after one in the morning.

"What do you need, Yoongi?" Jimin asks, his gaze rising to the ceiling.

"Can you cover my shift tomorrow?" he asks.

Jimin sighs. "Why?"

"Personal reasons, Jimin," Yoongi says. "Please?"

"Do you at least remember this girl's name?" Jimin asks, rolling his eyes as his heart drops. He was looking forward to his day off.

"Shut up," Yoongi grumbles. "I promise when you need me to cover your shift, I'm there."

"You owe me about a hundred shifts," Jimin says. "And we both know I can't afford to take days off. But sure. I'll work tomorrow."

Yoongi lets out a long sigh. "Thanks, Jimin."

Jimin hangs up, throwing his phone onto the couch as his fingers run through his hair. After a quick glance around his apartment, he decides he should probably clean it tonight since he'll be far too tired to do it tomorrow. Yoongi usually has the opening shifts, meaning Jimin will have to be there by six in the morning.

He gets to work, throwing away empty water bottles and beer cans into his now overflowing trash can, deciding he can take the trash out on his way to work in the morning. After sweeping, doing the dishes and finally folding the laundry that had been sitting at the foot of his bed for three weeks, he looks around at his now semi-clean apartment.

After glancing at the clock and realizing it's just after two in the morning, Jimin decides he'd better go to bed so he can get a few hours of sleep.

Just as he takes a step toward his bedroom, he hears the same singular knock he heard last night.

He walks into his bedroom, expecting to see the tree branch swaying just outside his window again, but it's completely still.

Jimin frowns for a moment, then decides an owl must have landed on the branch and made it move only slightly - just enough to bump his window.

Without changing into his pajamas, Jimin flops down onto his bed, his exhausted muscles slowly relaxing as he falls asleep.

2:16 A.M. | BTS ✓Where stories live. Discover now