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Jimin pounds his fist on Yoongi's door, smearing a bit of his blood on the old wood from the cut the keys left behind when he grabbed them from his floor.

"Fucking hell, give me a minute," Yoongi bellows, and Jimin hears a thump followed by a string of curse words.

Eventually, Yoongi opens the door, his eyes squinted shut in his half asleep state.

Jimin pushes past Yoongi, ignoring his glare as he steps into the apartment, begging Yoongi to shut and lock the door - though he knows it won't help.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Yoongi asks, yawning as he pulls a shirt over his head. "Do you have any idea what time it is?"

"I have a general idea," Jimin says, not bothering to look at the clock. "Yoongi, it's after me and I don't know what else to do."

"What?" he asks, frowning before his eyes open wider as he begins to become more alert. "You still on about this ghost?"

"Yoongi, I'm fucking begging you to believe me," Jimin says, tears in his eyes. "I stole a necklace from someone and ever since then, all this weird shit has been happening. I decided I was going to pawn it tomorrow, and now the thing is fucking going to kill me."

"You need to take a breath," Yoongi says, holding his hands up. "Sit down, and let me make you some tea."

"No," Jimin says, grabbing Yoongi's arm. "I know you don't believe me but please don't leave me alone."

Yoongi slowly nods, sending Jimin a small smile.

Jimin slowly relaxes, his hand falling away from Yoongi.

He frowns when his arm falls against his side and he feels something in the pocket of his sweatpants.

When he sees what's in his pocket, he drops it to the ground, fingers trembling.

"You're bleeding," Yoongi says, examining the smeared blood on the sleeve of his shirt where Jimin had grabbed him. "And you're dropping shit on the floor."

Yoongi kneels down to pick up the necklace, its beauty shining even in the poor lighting of his living room. "Pretty."

"I didn't put that in my pocket," Jimin says, shaking his head and running his uninjured hand through his hair. "Yoongi, I'm not crazy."

Just then, a slow knock sounds on the door and Jimin's eyes widen.

"Don't answer it," Jimin says, though he knows that a simple door won't stop it.

"It's probably my neighbor questioning why a bleeding man just ran like a crazy person down the hallway banging on my door," Yoongi says, shaking his head. "Let me prove to them that you're not in the process of killing me and we'll go clean up your hand."

Jimin has just enough time to yell out Yoongi's name. As soon as the door is opened, Yoongi is thrown back, the crack of his body hitting the wall bringing Jimin to his knees.

He sees his friend collapse to the floor, unfocused eyes staring at nothing and everything at the same time.

Jimin wails, watching as the room fills with shadows and darkness. The door slowly creaks shut and Jimin stares down at the necklace that somehow found its way back into his hands.

Dragging, slow footsteps come closer and closer to him. It's taking its time, relishing in his fear as Jimin trembles helplessly in front of it. His mind is racing - thumbing through every single idea he could possibly have to make it all just stop.

All at once, everything clicks into place in his mind, and he doesn't take his eyes off the necklace when he speaks.

"I'll bring it back to you."

The scraping footsteps stop.

Slowly, Jimin's head lifts, expecting to see those empty eyes and the towering form of what has been slowly sucking the life from him, but he sees the living room empty except for his friend slumped on the floor.

Jimin takes a moment to call an ambulance, though there is a heavy feeling in the back of his mind that the crack he heard when his friend collided with the wall is something that the doctors can't bring him back from.

2:16 A.M. | BTS ✓Where stories live. Discover now