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Jimin has now had the necklace for a week, but he still thinks it's too soon to try to sell it. With how much care the woman had been taking, carrying it around her neck during the day and putting it in an ornately carved wooden box at night, he knows she will be looking for it.

So, he's content in keeping it hidden within the confines of his apartment, not in any kind of rush to pawn off the necklace.

Not only because he knows he needs to wait until she gives up hope of finding the jewelry, but also because part of him enjoys looking at something so beautiful - such a contrast to everything else in his life with his job, apartment and lack of a life outside the hours spent at work.

He has Yoongi to hang out with from time to time, but unlike Jimin, Yoongi has quite the social life. Jimin isn't much into the bar-hopping scene, nor is he interested in mindless one night stands like his friend is. Because Yoongi is his only real friend, and Yoongi can only indulge in Jimin's desire for quiet, simple nights every so often, Jimin finds himself spending his nights alone most of the time.

He's not particularly devastated at the fact, but he's also not necessarily thrilled about it. He always wishes for a different life - a better one. One where he doesn't need to work until he gets bleeding blisters on his feet to afford to have a roof over his head.

The only solace he has - the only time he feels like he is living - is when he is tiptoeing around dark, shadowy houses, taking trinkets that can change his life in a moment's notice. There is a certain thrill of the possibility of being caught that sends his blood rushing and awakening every part of himself that tends to fall into hibernation when he is living his day-to-day life. He knows it doesn't make him a good person - the opposite is true, in fact. He won't lie to himself and try to think of a way to justify what he does.

He is just desperate to feel something.

Jimin turns in his bed, staring up at the stars reflecting through the glass of his window, the twinkling lights reminding him that he should be sleeping for another mundane, long day at work.

As soon as his eyes finally decide to close, they're opening again as a knock resounds on his front door.

"What the hell?" Jimin whispers to himself as he grabs his phone to check the time.

2:16 A.M.

Who the hell is knocking on the door at two in the morning?

Jimin makes his way to his front door, the soles of his feet padding against the coolness of the floor beneath him.

He looks through the peephole to see who it could possibly be - probably Yoongi being so drunk that he can't remember where he lives - but he can't tell who it is in the dim light of the hallway, so he opens the door.

No one is there.

He peeks his head out, glancing around in every direction to find any sign of whoever knocked at his door, but not a soul can be seen as he slowly moves back into his apartment.

After shutting and locking his front door, Jimin leans against the wood, wondering why all these weird things seem to be happening around the same time every night.

2:16 A.M. | BTS ✓Where stories live. Discover now