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"You look like shit," Yoongi says as he leans on the counter in front of Jimin as he gets ready for his shift.

"I didn't sleep," Jimin says, his exhausted eyes burning as he ties his apron into place.

"Why not? Did the ghost piss in your cereal?" Yoongi asks, laughing, and Jimin's eyes automatically scan around him to check for anything odd.

Yoongi frowns at the action. "You okay?"

"Just tired," Jimin says, only managing a half smile as he glances up at Yoongi. He doesn't want to say it out loud. He knows Yoongi will laugh in his face and make jokes about him believing something so outlandish for even a second.

"If you're that worked up, you can come sleep at my place tonight," Yoongi says, reaching out squeeze his friend's shoulder. "Quiet night. I promise."

Jimin doesn't want to burden his only friend, taking away a night he's sure Yoongi has made plans to enjoy, but he can't bear the thought of waiting around in his apartment for the next unexplainable thing to happen.

"Sure," Jimin relents, sending another half-hearted smile in his friend's direction.

"We're not going to dress in matching pajamas and talk about cute boys," Yoongi says, pointing in Jimin's direction. "I'm not opposed to us painting each other's nails though."

At that, Jimin finally lets out a chuckle, and Yoongi smiles. "Just come to my place after work and we can have pizza and beer."

"See you later," Jimin says, nodding at Yoongi as he walks away.


The gentle breeze outside of Yoongi's apartment lulls Jimin into a dreamless sleep, his body exhausted to the point where his mind can't even imagine a fantasy for him to fall into.

The couch is small but more comfortable than Jimin expected, insisting to sleep here when Yoongi tried to offer him his bed.

Now, as the clock on Yoongi's wall ticks softly, Jimin sleeps peacefully for the first time in a few days, feeling the full effects of sleep deprivation as his body tries to recuperate.

But it's not long until Jimin's senses return to him, his body being pulled from his slumber as he feels the air around him chilling, and in his half asleep state, he just pulls the blanket closer to his chin, tucking it underneath as he pulls his legs closer to his chest.

A clanking sound causes his eyes to pop open, seeing nothing but the back of the couch in his vision as the sound repeats just behind him.

The beer bottles on the coffee table.

Jimin holds his breath, listening for any sign that it's Yoongi behind him cleaning up their mess. But he can't hear anything aside from the sounds of glass bottles hitting against each other that he heard only moments ago.

Now, it's completely silent, but Jimin's body remains tense, still feeling like there is someone standing just behind him.

He forces his eyes to close again, willing himself to ignore the feeling of eyes boring into the back of his head as he pulls the blanket tighter under his chin.

2:16 A.M. | BTS ✓Where stories live. Discover now