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Jimin is startled awake by the ringing of his phone. Without checking the caller ID, he answers.

"Hello?" he says, his voice husky from sleep.

"I got the drug dealer to cover your shift for today so you can have the day off to shoo away your ghost or whatever the fuck," the voice on the other end says, and it takes Jimin a few moments to piece together what's happening.

"Yoongi?" Jimin asks, one of his eyes squinted shut at the harsh sunlight flooding in through the windows in his friend's apartment.

"No, it's your Grandma Gertrude," Yoongi says. "Are you high?"

Jimin rubs his eyes as he sits up. "Drug dealer?"

"Yeah," Yoongi says. "The one that always comes in with that look in his eyes. You know the one."

"Ah," Jimin says, nodding to himself as his brain finally decides to wake up and function. "You really didn't have to do that. I need the money."

"It's one day, Jimin," Yoongi says through a sigh. "You have some shit to figure out and the drug dealer owed me."

"Why?" he asks.

Yoongi just stays silent, and Jimin can just imagine the look on his face.

"Okay then," Jimin says when he realizes Yoongi has no intention of answering the question. "I'll just go home and clean up."

The thought of what happened last night sends a chill down his spine, and he stands to put on his shoes. Whatever is happening with him, he doesn't want it to follow him to his friend's house and start bothering him too. The sooner he leaves, the better.

"Thank you for letting me stay last night, Yoongi," Jimin says. "I slept better than I have in a while."

"That couch has been very helpful to me over the years," he says, and Jimin scrunches his nose.

"Gross," he mumbles into the phone. "I'll let you go. I'm leaving your apartment now to head home."

"Lock my door when you go," Yoongi reminds him as Jimin finishes tying his boots. "I'm gonna run some errands and won't be back until tonight."

Jimin hums before letting his phone fall from his shoulder into his palm and he ends the call, wondering if Yoongi really is going to run errands or is just going day drinking.

Jimin takes a minute to clean up the living room, trying to ignore that the mess is indeed still there even after he knows he heard the bottles moving last night.

After cleaning up the bottles, Jimin goes to the front door, remembering to twist the lock on the knob of the door before pulling it closed and making his way to his car.

2:16 A.M. | BTS ✓Where stories live. Discover now