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I finally arrive at the lynches!

"I'm HOME!" I yell. Even though I don't live here it's my second home

Then I see Ross coming down the stairs. Great just great...

"What do you want" he groans

"Are your bothers or sister home?" I ask nicely

"No" he says and walks away. I follow him and ask him if he knows where they are and of course him being Ross he just ignores me. Ugh!!! So I decided to text Rydel and she said she's at a party with the boys and invites me but I don't want to go because I don't want to get drunk and I'm too lazy to drive.
So instead I go to the couch and watch tv.

"Why don't you just go home" Ross says rudely and turns off the TV. Ugh!

"Because I'm to lazy to drive. Now can you please turn on the tv?" I ask patiently waiting for a response

"No now leave!" He says angrily

"No! I have every right to be here!" I yell and start to get so mad

"You got to be freaking kidding me! It's my house I HAVE every right to kick you out!!" He screams back

I start to tear up. When ever I get mad I start to cry.

"Fine Ross you win. I'll leave." I say In a quiet tone and put my head down so he won't see me cry and run out the door and slam it shut.

I head to the party that Rydel told me about. I know I don't want to go but at this point I don't care if I get drunk and I don't want to be in my apartment alone.

Once I arrive I see Rydel and Ellington! Ahh the feels! I really want them together! I walk up to them and say hi to them.

"So what are you doing here? I thought that you didn't want to come." She asks so confused

"Well I had no choice. Ross was at the house and he kicked me out" I sigh "why didn't he want to come to the party?"

"Oh and because his girlfriend broke up with him" she responds. That explains why he kicked me out.


Hey guys! Sorry this is such a short chapter! I hope you enjoyed it

You're for me, I'm for you (R5 fan fiction Completed)Where stories live. Discover now