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"I have good news.. According to the test you took, you don't have cancer" the doctor tells me

"Wait are you serious!!" I yell, and jumped into Ross' arms for a hug. He spins me while I try to grab onto him so I won't fall. I can feel his muscle as he holds on tight to me, he's pretty strong.

Once he finally puts me down he looks into my eyes and I look back at his.

"I love you so much. I love you more than I can explain." He says calmly; still looking at my eyes

"And I love you too. More than I can ever explain" I giggle and grab his hand.

"You're my Juliet." He smirks

"Your my Romeo." I smile like a goof

Ross leans in and pecks my lips. We pull away and turn to the doctor. She was giving us a weird look. I wouldn't blame her I would too

"Sorry that you have to witness that" I awkwardly laugh

She nods and leaves the room. Ross and I burst out laughing! I laughed so hard that I couldn't breath which made Ross laugh even more. His face turned red as a tomato

We finally cooled down and left the hospital

As we finally arrive at my apartment I find Jessica at the parking lot.

How did the heck did she know where I lived.... Probably Ellington

I tell Ross that I'll be right back

"What are you doing here?" I say harshly walking up to Jessica

"I just need to talk to you about our mom and dad." She sighs

"I'm sorry. But don't you understand what no is?!" I yell

"Listen.. I know you hate me and I know you're afraid to talk about the but at least give me 15 minutes" she begs

"10 minutes. That's all I'm giving you" I respond

"Yay!" She squeals

We head inside with Ross and we all sit at the living room.

"So what do you know about our mom and dad?" She asks

Don't cry.. Don't cry....

"Um.. I remember that my mom died from a car crash and my dad went to jail for 2 years,so I had to live with my aunt until I was 18. And my dad never came back for me" I say on the verge of tears and not making eye contact with anyone. I'm afraid that if I do I wouldn't be able to hold it in.

I hate talking about my life,it was so depressing. Once I hit 18 I got my own apartment and became a YouTuber. Even though I lived with my aunt; I mostly spent time at the lynch's. They made everything better. So maybe it wasn't so depressing cuz I had them as my family.

"Hello? Isabelle?" Jessica waved her hand in from of me

"Sorry.. Say that again?" I say embarrassed

"I said do you want to know the rest of the story?" She requested looking at me with puppy dog eyes like she was 5.

I nod my head yes

She takes a deep breath and sat a little closer to me and begins to talk "When the first year my-our parents got married they had a kid right away; which is me obviously. Unfortunately they didn't want a kid because they thought it was too soon since they just got married. So they put me in foster care." Her voice starts to shaken.

She clears her throat and continues "I got new foster parents right away because I was only a baby and who wouldn't want one right? They took good care of me until I was 13. Since I was a moody teenager and trying to find out who I was, they couldn't handle it so they thought that hitting me was a solution." She pauses and says "Uh. I'm sorry this isn't about me. This is about you and our parents. So when I was three they had you. They thought that they were ready. And it makes me upset now that you decided to keep you. It makes me upset because I was there first damn child and they didn't want me! Do you know how much that hurts Isabelle! And especially from your own parent. And even if they didn't want me they could of at least try to raise me." Her tone of voice was really shaky.

I could tell she wanted to cry, to be honest so do I. I feel horrible what she had to go through.

"Years later, once our mom died and our dad wasn't in jail anymore, well he didn't come back because he wanted to raise me." Jessica finishes

Im speechless. My own father didn't want to come back and raise me because of Jessica. This is all happening to fast right now

"Do you want to know where he is?" She asks

I nod my head no

"Can you please leave,I just need some time to think" I ask her

And she does what she is told and leaves,closing the door behind her

I turn to Ross

"I'm so sorry Iz" he tells me calmly

"Is it okay to cry?" I ask him

He nods yes and opens his arms so I can hug him

"Why didn't they ever tell me?" I questioned while a tear slides down my face onto Ross' shoulder

"I don't know, but they missed out." He whispers
Im so sorry that I haven't updated in a while! Also I'm very sorry that it's a short chapter

Hopefully you got more informed on Isabelle's parents.

Once I finish this book I'm not sure if I should do a sequel. I'm not sure if you guys are liking this book. And if you do them please comment, It will encourage me too keep writing this fan fic!

I hope you all have a great day! I love you all! XOXO

You're for me, I'm for you (R5 fan fiction Completed)Where stories live. Discover now