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I walk down the stairs that leads to the basement. Which is where we usually keep our band meetings.

"What's up?" I ask coming down to the end of the stairs where everyone can see me

"We have amazing news" Rydel squeaks

I laugh a bit and sit on a chair by my guitar

Riker comes a bit closer to me and gives me a wide smile. I haven't seen him smile that big ever since he got back together with Savannah. This must be really big.

"We're going on tour!" They all yell at the same time. Can't lie that it hurt my ears but my face instantly lights up

"Are you freaking serious!?" I yell and jump off my chair. I pull Riker into a hug.

I can't believe I'm going back on tour. I love seeing our fans and the energy of the crowd has. And hearing the fans sing the songs back weather they know English or any other language is so amazing. Without them I wouldn't be where I am now and I'm so thankful.

I pull away from the hug and Rocky starts speaking "Wait there's more.."

"I'm going to release a new single!" Ryland adds on

"That's awesome bro!" I give him a bro hug

This is so dope!

I tell them I had to go and tell Isabelle.

"Isabelle?!" I shout her name as I'm searching in the kitchen for her

"Upstairs" she yells back

I run out of the kitchen and run to the stairs. I spot Isabelle in our room folding clothes

"Everything okay?" She asks once she see's me. I give her a big smile showing all my teeth and nod

She giggles. Which is pretty adorable

"What's up babe?" She asks,smiling back at me

Before I begin to speak I take a deep breath "I'm going on tour!"

Her face lights up like a Christmas tree "That's amazing!"

"I know right!" I pick her up and spin her around like any cliché movie.

I'm sorry but I can't help it. It's who I am. Being cliché is my thing.

I put her down and peck her lips.

"I'm so happy for you! Let's go celebrate." She pulls my hand "of course with all of your siblings and Ell" she adds on

"Awesome! I'll even invite my parents. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here" I tell her

"Sounds like a plan" she smiles

*Isabelle's pov*

"Mama! I missed you so much!" I say when I spot Stormie.When I met the Lynch's I spent a lot of time with them. I was about 14 or 15 when I met them and I viewed Stormie as a mom because I never really grew up with one. R5 moved out and bought there own house,which I now live in so we don't really see her as much

"Awe I missed you too sweetie!" She hugs me "Where's Rydel?"

"Right here"Rydel says coming over to hug her "I missed you mom" she says almost in tears

You're for me, I'm for you (R5 fan fiction Completed)Where stories live. Discover now